Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Prayer meetings in the great barn-like churches of East Berlin , Dresden , Leipzig and other cities have been the focus of protest , drawing many thousands of people until no more could squeeze in and the crowds spilled into the streets .
2 The fact was that Charles gave up shooting for a few years because he had simply grown bored with it : it was too easy to blast away overfed birds frightened into the air by a band of beaters .
3 See the harvest field , you and I get the benefit from , but Jesus said you pray for labourers to go into the harvest field .
4 The roofs of houses drained into the internal courts , the water being collected in a cistern beneath .
5 An action potential in the presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitter into the cleft .
6 Ludens , steadying Marcus 's head with one hand , his fingers plunged into the short hair , and slowly and firmly moving the very sharp instrument , felt like an acolyte performing a dangerous task , perhaps intended as a test .
7 I sat in front of him watching as he ate , my eyes following his hand from the moment his fingers plunged into the bowl until it rose into the air , and carried the food into his mouth .
8 In sudden abandon she allowed her arms to creep up round his neck , her fingers to sink into the short hair at the back of his head while at the same time parting her lips and welcoming the exciting exploration of his tongue .
9 On instructions from authorities , Peking University , the focus of the student rebellion , sent a dance troupe , one of scores of similar groups dragooned into the celebrations .
10 Her fingers clenched into the soft material of her flame-coloured dress , crushing the delicate fabric .
11 I answered him with lies , happy that he was so interested after I 'd been certain that he 'd never say a word to me : I told him that I grew it myself , my family grew it , and it was everywhere like green grass and empty milk bottles in London ; it was really amazing hashish. wherever I threw its seeds it sprang up like flames leaping into the air .
12 Once three night birds rose into the blue-black of the sky .
13 Each time they sank down , they clustered closely , finally expelling one of their number , who fluttered to the ground and began — as if under compulsion — to walk , or rather scuttle , towards us ; whereupon the other birds fled into the shelter of their tree .
14 The explanation might be that a probable leak at the tight junction is relative , allowing only small molecules to pass into the intercellular space .
15 Jezrael 's fingers crisped into the grit beneath her ; even her face worked with the adrenalin that surged up , so much did she want to shove him away and make him save himself .
16 He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich , the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers .
17 Her teeth sank into the hand at her mouth and the man yelped , staggering away .
18 The diagram also indicates how the main petrochemical products fit into the manufacturing picture .
19 The feast over , both groups descend into the valley where they dance and sing for about an hour .
20 It is really like putting a deco card into the card holder on the Duo 80 so that the little teeth fit into the holes of the card .
21 The prophets announce their visionary hope of nations gathered into the kingdom of God 's eternal peace , when the dangers of darkness are cast aside and light is victorious .
22 A large puddle results and drivers swerve into the middle of the road to avoid it with consequent danger to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians .
23 AT least 62 people were killed and 3,000 missing last night after an underwater earthquake sent 50ft tidal waves crashing into the coast of Nicaragua .
24 Through the heart-shaped cutout in the shutter , he saw the Land-Rovers disappear into the dip where he 'd felled the small trees .
25 A procession is formed as midnight approaches and the Guisers carry blazing half-barrels on their heads to hurl into the bonfire and light it , before first-footing round the parish .
26 Gifts account for just over half the books received into the Library this year : 1455 out of a total of 2814 .
27 However , traders want Suffolk County Council and Mid Suffolk District Council , which are responsible for the scheme , to allow shoppers to drive into the street and park for short periods .
28 Because of the way in which this relief is given , the managers would wish to " front load " the losses sustained into the first year of trading , which they may be able to achieve by incurring expenditure for which capital allowances are available .
29 The exhibition ‘ Picasso , die Zeit nach Guernica 1937–1973 ’ at the Nationalgalerie until 21 February has been crowded out from day one , when 600 journalists crushed into the press conference .
30 There were large noses sticking into the lens , and people waving at the camera .
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