Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 It took me two hours to paint out the damage that Sweetman had caused to our hull .
2 Profit taking among construction groups wiped out the gains made in the wake of the Chancellor 's speech .
3 He had called in a local firm of builders to carry out the essential brickwork , plastering and re-tiling on the roof ; after that , he took a hand in the redecoration personally , splashing on new paint and putting up wallpaper .
4 The sketch for the Upper Pond , part of Brown 's great natural parkland at Petworth , was discovered in the Petworth archives some years ago but the backlog of work on the estate and the disastrous storm of 1987 which destroyed thousands of trees delayed plans to carry out the design .
5 Only migratory birds sought out the marshes — in late summer on the way south to warmer climes and in early spring on the way north to breeding grounds .
6 Legislation created a host of unemployed bureaucrats , municipal and seigniorial officials , who exhibited what liberals called ‘ passive ’ opposition to the constitution — the refusal of local authorities to carry out the administrative changes and apply the laws of the Cortes .
7 Personnel to carry out the Quality Auditor role are currently being identified : it is intended that they will be trained to IQA Lead Assessor standards .
8 And where they are legal , the operations require sophisticated equipment and highly-trained personnel to carry out the switch within 24 hours .
9 Selecting the right personnel to carry out the PR function .
10 The following quotation from Norman Conway , a grammar school chemistry teacher interviewed by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden ( 1962 ) , shows how the competition for scarce university places ( and ultimately for a better job for the teacher ) , especially in the context of bureaucratic mass-assessment can allow the instrumental pursuit of extrinsic rewards to drive out the expensive ‘ educational side ’ :
11 ( Zhores Medvedev 's attempts to spell out the injury thus caused to scientific-technical advance landed him in a mental hospital . )
12 Beniaminio and Mario Di Conza have been in the hospital since June , undergoing investigations to find out the extent of organ sharing , before the operation which was completed yesterday .
13 The University had filed for patents , believing that millions of dollars could accrue if test-tube fusion were commercially practical , and the patent lawyers were concerned about what would happen if other groups found out the results and duplicated them .
14 Through the network of INSET courses , inspectors , advisory teachers and personal contacts hunt out the names of schools where outstanding work is taking place or schools that have a reputation for being generally good .
15 The bells crashed out the joyous news practically all day .
16 Many people also complain that our present hierarchies bring out the nastier aspects of human behavior , like greed , insensitivity , careerism and self-importance .
17 Could you not use the drama teachers in those schools to carry out the kind some of this kind of marketing as well .
18 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
19 PWMI has studies these sectors to work out the average lifetime for the material in the market .
20 its as bad as our house , I say the secret in our house drove cars is three cars parked out the front , so you 've got a bit of grass , three cars parked there , you 're not allowed to park on the dri , drive , , sometimes parking round the front , but
21 Techniques have been devised by Operational Research scientists to enable organizations to work out the Economic Order Quantity ( EOQ ) for individual stock items , and to aid them in setting optimum re-order levels ( ie the levels at which stock needs to be replaced ) .
22 When the rags came out the mass of frizz made Sally screech with horror but when Louise had teased it a little with her Mason Pearson brush and a long tail comb Sally saw that the usually severe schoolgirlish cut had been transformed into a mop of pretty curls .
23 The authors hold out the hope that at a future date , when the processes involved are better understood , the damage done to the ozone layer may be reversed .
24 If he can look that prospect squarely in the eye and both parties cut out the cheap jibes , they will see that they are talking the same language .
25 He drew her against him , his lips seeking out the smooth plane of her cheek , the full , ripe curve of her mouth .
26 She tried to sound playful , but somehow the words came out the wrong way .
27 The board that held the keys in the porter 's charge hung just within the doorway , and she had sharp enough eyes to pick out the nail that was empty , and the fellow to the absent key close beside it .
28 He was trembling now , his back still against the door , his eyes searching out the ill-formed contours within the room .
29 Our eyes seek out the inhabitants fleeing distracted , or returning to look for the dead .
30 ‘ Jeez , I could do with that cup of tea , ’ Mrs Bennet said , putting her hands over her ears to shut out the tumult above , and Anne decided to go upstairs to see if the gas was still on .
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