Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] was a " in BNC.

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1 No one knows when or by whom whisky was invented , but it was being made in Ireland when Henry 11 carried out his invasion in the twelfth century , and by Tudor times distilling was a thriving industry in Scotland .
2 The woods of Lothlorien where the Elves dwelt was a wonderful place but now it will wither .
3 One of the sites chosen was a particularly spectacular peak called Mullwharchar in the Galloway Hills of South Ayrshire , whose barren , windswept slopes rose to the south of the bleakly named Loch Doon .
4 For a girl who before her recent adventure had never been away from home alone for more than a weekend , the prospect which this room and Madame Chardin 's rules evoked was a daunting one .
5 Mr Allan admitted keeping houses secure was a problem and said it seemed that young children were to blame for most of the damage and fires in the street .
6 One of the most colourful figures to testify was a Maryland escrow agent Marilyn Harrell , who revealed that she had used an estimated $5,500,000 in federal funds to buy houses and cars for poor families , to pay off mortgages , and to set up construction companies .
7 The Buddhist press paid more attention to gambling and drunkenness than it did to cattle stealing , presumably because most newspaper correspondents lived in towns , where cattle stealing was a relatively infrequent occurrence .
8 Cattle stealing was an institution which provided benefits to different groups .
9 The Irish head of state is to pay what Dublin sources said was a courtesy call on the Queen during a visit to Britain to receive a degree at Oxford University and fulfil other engagements .
10 All the egg producers wanted was a ‘ fair hearing ’ and to establish a workable framework for testing flocks and protecting public health .
11 The only thing he and Rangers lacked was a goal , but it was not for the want of trying .
12 Among the items stolen was a locket given to Andrea by her mother Margaret who died of cancer just a fortnight before the wedding .
13 A MASSIVE brain haemorrhage killed a man 36 hours after an operation on what surgeons thought was a tumour .
14 Among the items removed was a charred Christmas tree but fire officers refused to speculate on the cause of the blaze .
15 Among the items saved was a portrait of Lord Liverpool by Sir Thomas Lawrence , which did not appear in the catalogue and which has gone to the National Portrait Gallery .
16 For the girls reforming was a scary idea :
17 It was true they were very quiet which the Girls thought was a combination of shyness and the language barrier .
18 Another thing we had which would attract the locals to call was a weather glass — a barometer most people would call it , I suppose , and I still have it on my wall .
19 At least 260 earthquakes shook the volcano between Tuesday evening and yesterday morning , in what scientists said was a sign that its condition was deteriorating .
20 As then , he dealt with the motion as a three-part whole rather than as separate clauses and refused to incorporate an amendment ( carried 2:1 ) which sought to modify the proposed Committee revision in respect of the Captains , which many members considered was a continuation of the sort of privileges previously enjoyed by bondholders .
21 Among the fund raising activities organised was a raffle held by the PR department .
22 The Messiah whom Jesus 's contemporaries awaited was a variant of a familiar and long established principle .
23 Among the measures announced was a three-year tax holiday for new industrial investments .
24 In what police say was a tragic coincidence , gunfire was heard from a house across the street .
25 During the Nov. 7 parade through Moscow 's Red Square to mark the 1917 October Revolution anniversary , a man fired two shots from a hunting rifle in what police claimed was an attempt to assassinate Gorbachev .
26 Following the find , the centre was evacuated again because of a bomb scare which police believe was a hoax .
27 Mr Leckey said the shoot-out in which the IRA men died was a result of actions by the security forces over a threat to the life of a former UDR soldier in August 1988 .
28 On our list of possible causes to check was a leak on the air intake to the carburettor ( one of our first priorities , as the vacuum gauge was reading very low ) .
29 They were soon joined by Tibetans calling for independence , turning the demonstration into what police said was a ‘ counter-revolutionary activity ’ .
30 When a run was done using a lexicon without letter names , the number of paths produced was a few orders of magnitude less than when these words were included.2 Similarly function words could be treated differently from content words .
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