Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The last time these clubs met was at Wembley in the 1983 FA Cup final , a game that needed two bites for United before they finally ran out winners .
2 Where Nonconformist preachers differed was in their isolation : they stood alone without a liturgy on which to fall back or a priestly vocation which made good preaching a desirable but not essential option .
3 The first of these disputes to emerge was in the Caucasus , where the most serious civil disturbances in Soviet post-war history took place between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over the disputed territorial enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh .
4 Tonight , police said one of the drivers killed was from Northampton .
5 The number of sureties needed was in proportion to the sum borrowed , one housekeeper for £5 , two for £10 and so on .
6 He was aware that what exactly the words meant was in a curious way less urgently important than the necessity of uttering them .
7 The range from the firing point to where the rounds impacted was between 35 metres ( the shot that hit Barling ) and 30 metres ( the ones that hit the pillar ) … ’
8 As the number of Neons added was to be quite high , I decided to add them alone .
9 And thirdly the inducement in some countries for employers to federate was as a result of actual or threatened state intervention in the employment relationship , or sometimes because of the growing complexities of the legislative framework under which employers had to operate .
10 Dior scored a recent success with the launch of Dune , which industry sources say was among the most popular lines at Christmas .
11 In Pura , a village in Kamataka , Professor Amulva Reddy and his colleagues from the Indian Institute of Science found that 96 per cent of the wood that poor families burned was in the form of twigs .
12 By the late 1920s cattle stealing was of little concern to the authorities , but it underwent a revival with the onset of the depression , and received further impetus in 1936 when various regulations designed to control the movement and sale of cattle were lifted .
13 Within months , Scargill 's warnings of substantial pit closures were transformed into reality : the NUM was unable to resist — with most of its members at the affected pits rapidly opting for the generous redundancy terms — and with the privatization of the electricity-generating industry at the end of the 1980s the ability of many British mines to compete was in question ; closures were instituted even in the more productive fields .
14 For many young people , one of the best ways to socialise was in the Young Farmers ' Club , which held regular meetings and trips to nearby farms .
15 No one supposes that international relations can be fully understood just by assembling a patchwork of what the actors say was in their minds .
16 Two years later , one of the strangest fires recorded was at Dr Symington 's store house and monkey house .
17 However , the volume of shares traded was in excess of one billion ; the Chancellor 's announcement being the panacea the city was looking for .
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