Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] is a " in BNC.

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1 How word meanings combine is a key question when attempting to account for the way discourse is understood .
2 About 5,000 pink flamingos in western Kenya have died of a bacterial infection in recent weeks , which veterinarians say is a natural reaction to over-population .
3 ‘ This week 's Asturias Rally is a European round and therefore worth more points than , say , Valencia .
4 Mr Clinton occasionally lost his temper , but through all the flak he showed remarkable staying power , which his supporters say is a mark of his fitness to occupy the White House 's Oval Office .
5 The bulk solvent in which the reverse micelles exist is a mixture of isooctane and 1-octanol .
6 Mr Maclean said : ‘ You have big companies here who are trying to compete and the one thing these companies want is a level playing field . ’
7 Zuccarelli will not discuss what is inside his ‘ Ringo ’ recording head instead expounding a psycho-acoustic theory to disguise what engineers suspect is a simple advance in old-fashioned binaural recording .
8 What all Nicholson 's pubs share is a commitment to quality service , achieved through careful recruitment and training of staff .
9 Another example : the empowerment that cities crave is a share of the taxes raised in their rich suburbs .
10 The organisation , chartered in 1990 , is a non-profit-making group of dealers who are recognised specialists in their respective fields , deal by appointment and work with an inventory of art works ; each member is vetted carefully by the organisation and a guarantee of authenticity of what the dealers sell is a condition of membership .
11 But with Washington still committed to military victory in Afghanistan , cutting weapons supplies is a sensitive proposition .
12 This is yet another example of how the business most dealers attain is a tribute to their capacity for sounding convincing .
13 I thought you was gon na say have your veins done is a normal job
14 The belief that ‘ god ‘ preceded life and was responsible for it , is deeply rooted in the history of time long past , and will be tenaciously held even in the face of ‘ That kindly light of reason ’ — which orthodox religions teach is a gift from ‘ God the Creator ’ , but the use of which is nevertheless often vigorously denied , especially if such use threatens to throw doubt on the basic creeds already long established .
15 The mistake the reformists make is a common and fundamental one : they assume that language is — or should be — a faithful representation of reality , a ‘ mirror of nature ’ .
16 Something that a lot of other open systems vendors propose is a big bang approach to evolving to that type of architecture away from proprietary systems .
17 Top Olympic official Dick Pound angered riders throughout the world by declaring : ‘ All the owners want is a horse that wins an Olympic gold , then sell it and make a fortune . ’
18 Children are swept along by waves of enthusiasm and some teachers are so expert at whipping up energy and commitment that they can even persuade children that a tables test is a great reward for good behaviour .
19 The appointment of McDonald , who was still an interviewer with Trinidadian TV when News At Ten first went on the air , fits in with what sources suggest is a new reliance on star names .
20 A man whose house was twice hit by lightning in a fortnight has been talking about the experience , which bookmakers say is a two-billion-to one-chance …
21 Batting in a limited-overs match is a high-risk business , and the batsman who is unwilling to take chances on improvised shots and sharp runs is of no use .
22 What the questions seek is a demonstration of the student 's understanding of the nature and complexity of historical evidence .
23 Integrated Geophysical Surveys IGS is a commercial service that has been established within BGS to market advanced geophysical survey , processing and interpretational facilities .
24 Sheep and cattle rearing is a feature of the hills and moorland areas of Scotland , Wales , and northern and southwest England .
25 Avoiding making these latent potentialities manifest is a constant concern , evidenced by the multitude of taboos that bracket even the most mundane activities in a ( usually vain ) attempt to forestall the dangers that lurk on all sides .
26 The soap giant is repackaging Wisk , through Fisher Ling & Bennion , as part of what industry sources believe is a major marketing initiative to revitalise the brand 's fortunes .
27 This reflects what several of the vendors argue is a more-cost effective approach to neural computing , involving the emulation of neural nodes in software .
28 One thing all the writers share is an agreement that the progress to the special knowledge in the game of faith involves a reordering and an integration of the personality which gives birth to an essential lightness of spirit within man .
29 Eggs fungusing is a problem which may have a number of causes .
30 In those uses remembering is a special case of knowing .
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