Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] we back " in BNC.

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1 cars took us back .
2 The italicised words take us back to the ‘ Polo Syndrome ’ , and remind us that the fundamental difficulty of all curriculum planning — how to get a quart into a pint pot — still remains to be addressed .
3 And talking about feet brings us back to the first step .
4 Even sad films took us back to a world that we understood , a world where people lived their lives , hoping for happiness and sometimes even finding it .
5 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
6 It took about ten minutes to chew through one slice and only two very heavy loaves lasted us back to Newlyn .
7 Their answers sent us back to the drawing board .
8 ‘ One was financial — loss of earnings , keeping a second home and campaigning expenses set us back a great deal over the 15 months .
9 As ‘ literary allusions ’ the Shakespearian references point us back to previous dramatic interpretations of events rather than directly to ‘ real events ’ .
10 Our collections of still photographs take us back to the Crimean War , but for this century we have millions of feet of movie record , much of it unexplored .
11 Weathered milestones take us back
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