Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] they [art] " in BNC.

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1 He sees the deviant group as creating its own circumstances to the extent that it makes meaningful the societal reactions to it , or better generates meaning for itself in a world whose societal reactions deny them the full status of persons .
2 Bann face Garvey at Blaris on Wednesday night ( 8pm ) and Holywood at Olympia next Saturday , needing two outright wins to secure them the honours .
3 In the meantime , however , those long horns had become undesirable : drovers and slaughterers found them a nuisance and they compounded the drawbacks that had already become apparent in Bakewell 's breed .
4 A lucky win against Aurillac in the play-offs secured them a place among the last 32 .
5 the stables show them the stables .
6 Our new world industry correspondent , Richard Feast , casts a critical eye over recent motor show offerings , and concludes that Japan 's ‘ lean ’ production methods give them the opportunity to offer imaginative and stimulating new models
7 Goldfish ca n't turn their heads around but their slightly bulging eyes give them a wide field of vision .
8 Generally speaking , it is better for farm animals to give them a lot more space and a lot more variety in their environment .
9 ‘ If they do n't drive , then they ask their husbands to give them a lift .
10 The Syrian foreign minister who , after meeting Douglas Hurd , evoked the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 in which the British and the French secretly carved up the Middle East between them ( later using the League of Nations to give them the so-called Mandates as a cover ) , was not making some arcane and irrelevant allusion .
11 Yeah because he said as soon as they see arrears he said they insist that it 's paid up and they insist that you have like three months pay them no problem he said
12 Against Fareham the juniors trailed 2-1 at half-time , but a change of tactics brought them a 6-2 win .
13 The pose of the bald egg-shaped heads , the jointed arms stiffly flexed in a parody of benediction , the staring eyes and curved arrow-like lips gave them the hieratic look of a couple of painted deities .
14 When asked which of all their various roles gave them the greatest satisfaction , 47% opted for being a mother , 22% simply being themselves , 15% being a partner/lover and just 10% being a working woman .
15 Young people differ in their interests and aptitudes , and we need a range of schools to offer them the best opportunities .
16 The durability of these cars makes them a prime target for clockers and is another reason to insist on up-to-date service schedules .
17 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
18 The Act emphasises the crucial importance of support for those carers , and without strategies to empower them the Act can not work .
19 When object-oriented database systems become more widely available , there may be a number of application domains where their advantages make them a good choice .
20 A couple of hundred years ago two Jesuit missionaries trying to find their way back to the Orinoco stumble across them , get them to build a raft and then pole the two Godmen several hundred miles south while the said Godmen preach them the Gospel and try to get them to wear Levis .
21 My wide feet found them a bit tight , but I swapped the footbeds for the Sanmarco ones , which are much thinner , and both pairs then fitted me better — a leaf taken from Merrell 's book .
22 ( Peru : the very name arose from a misunderstanding on the part of the Spaniards when Indians told them the name of a river : originally , it was known simply as ‘ New Castille ’ . )
23 They really do stand a better chance being left there to their own devices for the parents to feed them the right diet than being picked up and brought here .
24 " The prosperity and technology of the developed countries give them the greater possibilities and the greater responsibility " .
25 Runners are more conservative , instead of their heads they look to their shoes to give them the competitive edge .
26 It is better still when parents set them the right example by not smoking themselves .
27 The pretence that statutes merely declared existing law was dropped ; they occupied areas of national life which before they had only occasionally entered ; they became far more precisely drafted and the judges interpreted them a good deal less freely ; they were , by the reign of Elizabeth , the outcome of a definite and recognized procedure .
28 For maximum volume and root lift , turn your head upside down — the special ‘ fingers ’ inside the cup will help life and separate curls giving them a fuller look .
29 Her soldier companion urged her forward along a gully , which they crawled along until a gap between two boulders gave them a clear view of the landscape .
30 A group of families living beside one of the region 's busiest commuter routes are facing a five-mile detour to get home , because they 've been marooned by roadworks.They say it 's making their lives a misery , and want engineers to make them a special short cut to improve things .
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