Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] to they " in BNC.

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1 Biological factors assume importance in many stratification systems because of the meanings assigned to them by different cultures .
2 ( b ) ‘ authorised insurers ’ , ‘ the Council ’ , ‘ practising certificate ’ , ‘ the roll ’ and ‘ the Society ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
3 ( ca ) ‘ foreign lawyer ’ and ‘ registered foreign lawyer ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them by section 89 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 ;
4 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
5 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
6 What a lot of other societies will today though , will not necessarily want policies assigned to them anyway .
7 Some churches also long possessed objects given to them by Cnut , which occasionally bore inscriptions to that effect , like the reliquary for the remains of St Vincent which he presented to the monastery of Abingdon .
8 Again , paradoxically , objects are seen as increasingly exchangeable with one another , but also increasingly specific in terms of the particular values assigned to them in the form of prices .
9 DHSS requires firms to notify any adverse reactions reported to them within a month of receipt .
10 Their acute hearing had already informed them that only one set of feet was running in the night , the light footfalls vibrating to them through the drum-like quality of the primeval forest floor .
11 Chairman Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ There is a strong feeling among managers and players that rules applying to them are not being applied to other people , namely supporters around the dug-outs .
12 Second , unless an exemption applies , most of the advertising rules , and the record-keeping rules relating to them , will apply , including the detailed disclosure requirements ( see page 42 below ) .
13 ‘ We regret that the Department has encouraged parents to expect schools to report to them using these measurements so prematurely .
14 Local authorities did buy in places in voluntary and private Homes occasionally to meet the needs of clients referred to them , but this declined by 1980 .
15 They should be able to grasp a total situation from the fragments presented to them and respond linguistically in a way that would benefit their business .
16 For example , ‘ I forgive you for being so patronising towards me ’ would make them feel that they were having their sins confessed to them .
17 With its incredible wealth — about £6 million estimated annual income has been suggested — and ownership of about nine thousand manors came inevitable corruption as the Templars took advantage of the privileges granted to them by the Pope .
18 Reporters and photographers faithfully recorded the images presented to them — of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or glance .
19 Reporters and photographers recorded the images presented to them of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or a glance .
20 Traditional print-on-paper publishing industries and sectors related to them have already felt the impact of electronic information media .
21 ‘ I look forward to meeting you at dinner , ’ Ana said , the lovely , blank eyes turned to them .
22 So I am going to suggest ways of finding out about earth energies and of understanding the processes involved , how the ancient peoples related to them , and how we may ourselves be able to build a stronger link .
23 Their strength has been that recruits came to them already vetted and character-tested through membership of a church or Orange lodge .
24 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
25 The following extract from the introduction summarises the prevailing situation : Deaf people are fairly certain to encounter deaf discrimination at some time : perhaps in the education they receive , in the career opportunities open to them , or during their day-to-day lives .
26 Lastly , it was necessary to demonstrate to our partners in the venture , the state oil companies of Kuwait and Pakistan and Idemitsu of Japan , as well as to the LASMO board , that the proposed investment was economically viable when compared with other investment opportunities open to them . ’
27 All employees are made aware of the development opportunities open to them .
28 At that time — at least to start with — we could pick up some of those who had been the least successful in their school careers , often because they had turned their backs on the opportunities open to them , and provide the first steps towards training and employment .
29 Black kids look to them as blueprints for their own development .
30 More abstractly the particularities of circumstance which attended both Julian 's and Margery 's report of their experiences illuminate the position of women and the roles open to them within the heirarchy of spiritual authority in the late medieval period .
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