Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] give him " in BNC.

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1 He was older , seventy , and his legs began to give him such pain .
2 During his years at Oxford , he had spent part of his vacations in France , but those relatively short periods had given him no idea of the chaos that had prevailed since his father 's death .
3 She remembered the evening because his parents had given him an awful sweater for his birthday and between comedy programmes on the television she and Alan thought up alternative uses for an awful sweater .
4 He believed if only his parents had given him more confidence and the right backing , he would have made a very good male model .
5 Though he spoke in Russian , the language that his parents had given him , he was from without the walls that bounded their experience .
6 The magistrates chairman told foster parents had given him a chance — it was now up to him to take it .
7 He said that these visits had given him " the opportunity to give personally an explanation of the political background " to the dispute with Tito .
8 At his home at Tackley in Oxfordshire , his parents have given him a special shed to play in , with his own lock and key of course .
9 Reg Pybus , with his gun at my head , is always ready to stab me in the back though , and eighteen unlucky defeats has given him plenty of ammunition .
10 I know when Brian went on the first Queen tour to America he hated it , so he had stabilisers made to give him 220v .
11 He looked older , she thought — more mature , as if the events and uncertainties of recent weeks had given him a maturity beyond his years .
12 His cheeks were sunken and the onset of years had given him heavy jowls .
13 None of the changes had given him any added zest for life — or , for that matter , any desire to look for trouble where no trouble was self-evidently present .
14 Nevertheless , by 1800 a commoner was speaking with regret of the times when the undrained wastes had given him pasture , where ‘ he could turn out his cow and pony , feed his flock of geese and keep his pig ’ .
15 The embarrassing reality was that Burrows had proved more wily than his pursuers had given him credit for , and had managed to give the S.O.U. the slip .
16 The Galapagos islands had given him the clue by showing that small populations derived from the same original species could evolve in different directions when separated by a geographical barrier such as the ocean .
17 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
18 Seb entered the gipsy encampment warily , remembering the reception Boz and his friends had given him on an earlier visit .
19 You know I 've talked about Thomson 's passing from midfield but you 've always got to be have targets to hit you see if you 're a passing player and certainly the Leicester players have given him that .
20 A club spokesman said : ‘ The doctors have given him another scan and he was taken off the life-support machine . ’
21 An accurate scholar and an inspired teacher , he did not become a Professor in Bristol — yet his friends and pupils combined to give him that rarest of honours , a Festschrift , a book containing some of their best work , published to mark his 70th birthday .
22 The Danes had given him the appropriately named Order of the Elephant .
23 He tried to hide the crease of worry on his features , but when she asked him whether the debtors had given him extra time he frowned and shook his head .
24 He says continuing heavy losses and falling markets have given him no option but to propose that the six hundred and forty man pit should close .
25 Ihich died of an asthma attack , his family alleging that police refused to give him medicine which they had brought to the police station .
26 Etienne de Vignolles , known by the name of La Hire which his Burgundian enemies had given him , brought off a spectacular stroke with the capture of Château-Gaillard , on the river Seine , in 1430 , while in the following year Ambroise de Lore and his band travelled across much of Normandy to attack a fair near Caen , before retreating in good order with their prisoners .
27 Spending his five shillings had given him great satisfaction , particularly as none of it had been wasted .
28 By September the Franco courts had given him a twenty-year prison sentence .
29 In return for this information the chief priests promised to give him money .
30 The chief priests promised to give him thirty pieces of silver which , according to the Old Testament , was the price of a slave .
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