Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] all their " in BNC.

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1 The returns show that the men of the royal manors in the forest generally had common of pasture in the king 's demesne woods for all their animals , except goats , throughout the year .
2 Fishing tackle manufacturers Daiwa Sports Ltd has donated around £10,000 worth of freshwater fish to the Broughton Hall Angling Club , West Derby just 12 months after all their fish were wiped out in a oil spill .
3 As he grew more feeble , his followers were left prey to seduction by lusty upstarts , viz private eyes with all their teeth .
4 He was a unique person with a fascinating understanding of the arts in all their forms .
5 For the historian , then , the problem becomes one of discovering the contours of Victorian sexual mores without surrendering to facile generalisations , for despite a plethora of studies we are still woefully ignorant of general trends in the development of sexual attitudes , of their effects on individual lives , and of the particular meanings given to their activities by the sexual subjects in all their variety — by class , by gender , by generation and by region .
6 In this new phase , many couples reap the rewards of all their efforts of the preceding years .
7 I felt good inside , too , because I had been able , in some tangible way , to thank Ron , my girlfriend and my parents for all their help and support .
8 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
9 Consciousness and life are synonymous and constitute the essential fabric within which mind and emotions in all their aspects are interwoven .
10 The companies would grant security on their debts against all their assets .
11 This is why video makers who wish to run third generation copies off second generation edited masters use super-format tapes for all their work .
12 For teachers to meet the range of special needs of all their children is clearly a formidable task , and without effective support of all teachers many children 's needs will remain unmet .
13 I like railway stations with all their trains and whistles and that .
14 The doctor should not expect to be able to direct and support patients and carers in all their needs .
15 Overseas aid came in from many quarters ( including South Africa ) ; the landlocked Zambians brought in health officials from all their neighbours to try to limit the spread of the disease , which nevertheless struck Malawi .
16 At present , employees earning less than £405 a week pay contributions on all their earnings , while above that level no contributions are paid at all .
17 As was noted above , however much one may value identification with one 's community , since it can be expressed by other means than respect for law it can not be a foundation of an obligation to respect the law , nor a basis for the general authority of governments over all their subjects .
18 In addition , the JM video ‘ Using Precious Metals for all their Worth ’ was shown to interested visitors .
19 This , it is proposed , should be reformulated so as to replace the expression ‘ merchantable quality ’ with ‘ acceptable quality ’ and to make it clear that it covers the fitness of the goods for all their common purposes , their safety , durability , freedom from minor defects and appearance and finish .
20 First of all to thank the officers for all their hard work especially those who er staying until half past eight , nine o'clock last night who tried to supervise .
21 The buildings will all look the same , the same companies will sell the same goods in all their shops , the people , apart from trivial physical differences and , possibly , their own languages , will all aspire to the same condition of affluence and to look the same as everybody else .
22 And it was right , too that the big property-owners should dominate : " they form a natural rampart about the lesser properties in all their gradations " .
23 Gdynia America Shipping Lines has a brochure giving details of all their ships which take passengers .
24 There were certain ancillary provisions attached to the order , including the requirement that the appellants swear an affidavit setting out the details of all their assets .
25 You then have to call an agency in order to obtain emergency relief , and they not only provide you with a temporary chef , but promise to send you details of all their head chefs currently seeking employment .
26 At least a hundred thousand people surrounded the cathedral where the chiefs in all their finery were massed in serried ranks .
27 He is served by a lovely cast who lift a gossamer-thin veil to show the misunderstandings and subtle warrings which make up human relations in all their glory .
28 Er he went over s there was a plane laid on for him and he was ve went over very often to advise them on fortifications on all their concrete fortifications in France .
29 Stockbrokers issue circulars to all their major clients on a regular basis .
30 Thanks to the committee members for all their help over the last year and particularly to Graham Espin for many years of enthusiastic effort with the committee , to Ross Hamilton our treasurer for all his hard work , to Mrs Sheila Peterson for her abilities as vice chairman and particularly her talent with the children at our functions , to Miss Netta Gibling who , as ever , provides continuity and expertise as secretary .
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