Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] going to " in BNC.

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1 Guy Burgess had told my Gateshead chorus-boy friend , Jack Hewit , that Philby must have had very good reasons for going to Franco in Salamanca .
2 ‘ Perhaps not , and he may have had sentimental reasons for going to the little hut , but I want to be sure .
3 The child needs to be motivated and so receiving rewards for going to the lavatory when reminded or for staying dry can be an incentive for the younger child .
4 One of my several worries about going to Bristol was thy feeling of being a bit of a fraud .
5 I 'm getting worn out doing this , it 's hurting my eyes after going to the pictures and then doing all these bingo cards for granddad
6 The second trial , after months of going to and fro , moved at last to Orlando , an overwhelmingly white and conservative city , where juries , it is said , have never convicted a police officer for alleged misconduct in the line of duty .
7 I knew there were risks in going to that planet , but there were risks wherever we went .
8 THERE was a somewhat disturbing influence of life imitating art at San Quentin prison last month when Robert Alton Harris chose his last words before going to the gas chamber .
9 One evening in late November , he did his usual round of the buildings to check his animals before going to bed .
10 When I was pregnant , and we did not have this constantly changing situation of togetherness and separation , my husband complained that I had not noticed him kissing me goodbye in the morning — I was starting to take him for granted after only a few months without going to the mikva !
11 I can scarcely write the four words without going to pieces , and watching it actually makes me lose weight .
12 It may be thought the height of irony that Rangers ' goalkeeper should demand this much attention at a club so dominant Goram has known domestic defeat only six times in 18 months since going to Ibrox from Easter Road for £1 million .
13 In the meantime , in places like Poitou , noblemen tried to settle their disputes by going to war .
14 Once you start walking regularly you can vary your walks by going to the park , the beach or the hills .
15 A healthy young adult will typically have reached this stage of sleep within 20 minutes of going to bed , and sleep now continues to deepen , with larger and more persistent slow waves dominating the EEG record .
16 In practice this means a regularity in mealtimes , times of physical and social activity , and times of going to bed and rising .
17 He even put the woman 's view to a certain extent : ‘ Miriam knew that their marriage was dead , but took comfort in the old rituals of going to bed together and getting up in the morning . ’
18 His first memorandum began by indicting the government 's supposedly annexationist motives for going to war and went on to inveigh against the economic and cultural backwardness which the conflict had brought to light .
19 To avoid reinfection , be very careful to wash your hands and brush your nails after going to the toilet , after handling pets , and before touching food .
20 The psychophysiologist can not as yet match the experiences of going to sleep with the measures of brain function that are currently available .
21 Sun also claims it has shipped 70,000 Sparc 10 multiprocessing-capable machines to owners that are just now beginning to see the advantages of going to multiprocessing .
22 She paused , as the noises of going to bed reached them from downstairs — the snick of the light switch , the clang of the damper on the boiler , the sharp reports of bolts being shot home .
23 Other children are now being banned by their parents from going to the park in Bannockburn .
24 And that 's all we had there and we were for ever getting flooded out and there we we 'd all clean our shoes before going to bed at night put 'em all underneath the sideboard or whatever .
25 Then we would sail south to Easter Island to explore the mysterious statues before going to the mutineers ' refuge on Pitcairn Island .
26 Keeping up contacts like going to the post office to collect their pension , going to the library , attending community centres and things of that sort . ’
27 The thing is , she was arrested for ten years for going to North Korea without government permission .
28 After two years of going to Kenya I 've only just realised what it is you 're supposed to do — walk !
29 Successive governments have refused to implement the recommendation of the Evershed Committee in 1953 that the costs of going to law over issues of general public importance should be paid out of public funds .
30 But if a solicitor had made it and put three halves we could take an action against that solicitor or the executor could to erm for the costs of going to court to find out what on earth the will meant .
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