Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] him [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She passed by the lifeguard , and after she had gone some three or four steps past him she turned her head , smiled , and waved to him .
2 The new mortgage would pay most of what I am in arrears with him you see so , which would keep him happy .
3 When they stepped out on to the track some twenty paces from him he only turned his head slowly to glance at them and made no other movement .
4 In the couple of days since she had last set eyes on him she had forgotten the virile power of that face .
5 I do not want to be harsh , but when I first set eyes on him I knew the type at once : the big , gangling provincial , so eager and relieved to find himself at last in artistic circles .
6 After all , it 's only thanks to him you have the chance . ’
7 Hoomey was so relieved he felt like bursting into tears , but with Nails beside him he forced himself to affect nonchalance .
8 ‘ Once you 've got that basic drawing of a person sitting sideways on a chair , if you draw straight lines around him you 've more or less got a pyramid shape .
9 Once we have agreed the contents with him we will be in a position to drawn up a Phase 1 contract in which we intend to concentrate on making the sanctuary wind and watertight that will allow us to begin work on the interior alterations .
10 The Devil does not mind which of these attacks upon him we make , because taken on their own either one will leave us helpless and impotent in the Enemy 's territory .
11 As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in coruscating octarine and seal the spell .
12 She was painfully aware that if she ever betrayed her ambivalent feelings for him he would end their charade immediately with little or no compunction .
13 And the streets of Reine held memories for him he preferred not to recall .
14 Obvious things about him you forget , right ?
15 Wilkinson , who has cajoled and bullied to knock Cantona into shape , joked that the language barrier is still there because ‘ If I 'm saying nice things about him he seems to understand — if I suggest he works harder or I say nasty things , he finds that harder to comprehend . ’
16 If there 's eight , er pigeons with him it 's and he 's the only er .
17 when I 've taken things to him I must admit
18 Now with all the forwards around him he has no option but to bang it into touch .
19 Rumours were rife that Wigan were poised to swoop for the 22-year-old Great Britain star and Saints were lining up Featherstone Rovers ' international Paul Newlove as a replacement but Mr Latham adds : ‘ There have been no enquiries for him he is contracted to us . ’
20 To the men under him he was a most considerate and loyal officer , but he had a darker side to his character .
21 NORMAN HUNTER : ( Leeds , Bristol City , Barnsley and England — 1961-82 ) : ‘ He had two other hard men with him he was able to rely on .
22 He had so many wonderful sides to him I had to accept that this was just another one .
23 of batting your eyelids at him you
24 Besides , ’ he added with a cruel smile twisting his mobile mouth , ‘ by the looks of him he 'd already had his share of suffering .
25 He was a ‘ chest case ’ for years and when I look back at the photographs of him he 's always trying to look normal but actually his face is pained from trying to breathe .
26 She treats him with contempt and when Miss Havisham tells her to play cards with him she says
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