Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , order out of chaos and the rebirth of a defeated nation were admirable reasons for being attracted to Fascism , yet they were n't the real ones in her case , and even if Hitler had mesmerised her very conclusively for a time , she was older and wiser now and able to revise her view of a man who could change his principles so casually in the light of expediency .
2 Often the reasons for being passed over or failing a job interview will not be properly explained .
3 Physical and experimental considerations implied that and so the following values for were established : The results so obtained were in good agreement with predictions from fibre reinforcement theory ( Equations ( 4.21 ) or ( 4.22 ) ) provided that a value of 0.37 for Poisson 's ratio for the butadiene phase was used rather than the more usual figure , for a rubber , of 0.5 .
4 In Britain , waiting times for being seen in an outpatient clinic , followed by those for surgery , ensure that most children have waited a considerable time before grommet insertion , adenoidectomy , or a combination can be performed .
5 Mansell was shown the black flag three times after being disqualified for reversing his Ferrari after overshooting his pit during a scheduled stop to change tyres .
6 In all but a few cases their treason had been petty , enlisting in the German ranks after being taken prisoner or something of that sort .
7 Or a manufacturer could specify minimum quantity ( quantity forcing ) , or details of service and demonstration facilities , or quality criteria ( e.g. no hamburger to be sold more than two minutes after being cooked ) .
8 The Sheffield Wednesday striker was livid at finding himself back on the bench just 28 minutes after being sent on as a second-half substitute at Norwich on Saturday .
9 He had lived for just 55 minutes after being born , despite intensive efforts in the special care baby unit of the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital to revive him .
10 To ensure he did not leave before the police came — some 20 minutes after being called — I was able to block the lane by sitting in a garden chair .
11 Anderton completed his hat-trick from the penalty spot after 77 minutes after being fouled by Gary Owers .
12 Minutes after being escorted from jail by the British vice-consul , Martin phoned his mother .
13 At eleven o'clock , fifteen minutes after being shown to their table , Bunny threatened to leave .
14 Minutes after being informed of the test results Maureen said : ‘ I 'm just glad I 'm going to get the right one back .
15 Gary , 25 , and Jean , 24 , are believed to have met their deaths in the woods after being lured to Chorley by a phone call to their flat in Jericho Farm Walk , Aigburth .
16 Gary , 25 , and Jean , 24 , are believed to have met their deaths in the woods after being lured to Chorley by a phone call to their flat in Jericho Farm Walk , Aigburth , on Tuesday , April 27 .
17 And hours after being elected on a mandate of change , Clinton plunged straight into the hard work of weaving the magic he has been promising his people .
18 It is understood Tory Councillor Bill Woodhead will step down as the borough 's top civic dignitary after being charged with hitting his wife just hours after being elected .
19 A rat tested about 24 hours after being taught does as well as one tested just after being taught , and much better than one tested 12 hours after being taught .
20 A rat tested about 24 hours after being taught does as well as one tested just after being taught , and much better than one tested 12 hours after being taught .
21 For example , the cigarette ash referred to above remains in place some 24 hours after being discovered !
22 A BEWILDERED 10-year-old boy was left to wander the streets for hours after being turned away from a police-run sports centre .
23 Another casualty who bravely acted out that old maxim ‘ the show must go on ’ was ROSS — ex-postman and avid raver — from K-CLASS who after falling through a plate glass window whilst horsing about with some mates in a local Liverpool pub , gritted his teeth , 30 stitches notwithstanding , and gamely did his bit on Dance Energy less than 24 hours after being sewn up .
24 Twin sister Leanne died 24 hours after being born and Leah , who weighed 1lb 5oz , underwent heart surgery and suffered pneumonia .
25 Clare Leighton , of Cannock , Staffordshire , developed massive internal bleeding and died in hospital 36 hours after being admitted in a delirious condition .
26 Mrs Sharon Smith gave birth to her first baby , a son named Oliver , 28 hours after being admitted to the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Gloucester in June .
27 Peter Howell was stabbed just two hours after being released from policy custody .
28 Just three hours after being sworn in to his new job on January 1st as governor of Rhode Island , the gravelly-voiced Mr Sundlun ordered the closure of 45 small banks and credit unions .
29 He was only 15 when he hanged himself in the hospital wing of Swansea Prison hours after being found guilty in court .
30 Paperboy Ben Cosstick was back on his delivery rounds today , just forty eight hours after being held at gunpoint during a robbery at a newsagents in Bletchley .
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