Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [indef pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So there are a multitude of different reasons for someone to join a church planting team .
2 A great deal of emotive talk exists around the subject of unemployment and , just as there are many different reasons for someone becoming employed , there are equally many r different needs that the unemployed have .
3 Ever waited sixteen hours for someone to phone ?
4 Then he said : ‘ I hope I am not trespassing over a duty ascribed to someone else present here , but then I had heard no proposals for anyone to give a toast in thanks to our host , the most honourable and kind Lord Darlington . ’
5 In Montana , he visited a number of old age homes for someone to supply him with the right voice , but to no avail .
6 However , I state again that enforcement procedures offer plenty of opportunities for someone to pay their dues and so avoid imprisonment .
7 Dealers are sometimes told to sell stocks as a medium-term hold ( i.e. wait six months for something to happen ) .
8 Charities equally look south , either with the eyes of one beholding a feast or of those deprived of a seat at the table .
9 This envisages a major shift of emphasis from the ‘ cognitive-academic ’ curriculum of many secondary schools towards one emphasising more personal involvement by pupils in selecting their own patterns of study from a wider range of choice .
10 She was breathing raggedly , whispering unintelligible words like someone fevered , delirious .
11 They are lads like one comes across all the time in schools , workplaces and pubs .
12 Daniels had already condemned the publication of the Examiner 's Report as a " very unusual practice in Secondary Schools with nothing to commend it " .
13 The final ‘ Jekyll and Hyde ’ example shows both characteristics in one fell swoop .
14 But the semi-gloss finish of the vintage yellow lacquer feels welcoming straight away , and the neck profile — just on the fat side of average — should please the vintage buffs and alienate the Charvel supporters in one fell swoop .
15 ‘ To my certain knowledge , Wendy , I have never set eyes on anyone called Margot Iverson in my life before . ’
16 If the United Nations Convention comes into force there could potentially be two seabed conventional regimes with parties to one constituting third parties to the other .
17 ‘ People do sometimes manage to leave their offices without anyone noticing . ’
18 Our grateful thanks to everyone listed below as this year 's donors to the Appeal .
19 But it is almost impossible to produce such images without someone raising the cry , ‘ pornography ’ .
20 Saddam claimed on Sept. 2 that Iraq had repelled an Iranian attempt to infiltrate the southern marshes , and on Sept 8 he warned that Iraq would " inflict losses on anyone trying to tamper with its unity " .
21 In a similar way , exponents of anything fitting the nebulous description New Acoustic Roots ( and its variants ) should keep a keen eye on Folk Roots magazine ( monthly ) for potential sympathizers ; jazz practitioners should get the studious Wire ( monthly ) and those operating in the more popular black fields of soul , funk , rock or rap should follow the perennial Echoes ( weekly , formerly Black Echoes ) or Blues and Soul ( biweekly ) .
22 The outcome of the negotiations appeared to have satisfied the wishes of everyone involved .
23 The Damages ( Scotland ) Act covers the cases of anyone dying since last July , when the bill was first raised by the Labour peer Lord Macaulay of Bragar in the House of Lords .
24 So do I , but we change our definitions of everything to fit our most central desires . ’
25 After several months of a total dearth of exhibitions in grander dealers ' galleries , there are signs of something approaching the usual seasonal increase .
26 Products of one became raw materials or fuel for another , as shown in the diagram .
27 People will help themselves and save you a lot of work , as will buying paper plates for everyone to use and making the buffet a finger buffet with lots of little bits and pieces of food , and nothing that has to be served onto a plate with a spoon or cut up with a knife and fork .
28 Some of the features of alcoholism in its terminal phase are so well known that a cartoonist has only to draw a couple of lines for everyone to know that the subject is a " drunk " .
29 Here are some vital passwords for anyone having trouble with The Rocketeer on the Game Boy .
30 The Ea expression level obtained with the Long construct mice approaches the actual ratio of that seen in BALB/c mice of one times the expression level per genomic copy of the Ea d gene .
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