Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 I understood that you might like me better if I had experience , if I did n't have opinions about things I knew nothing about . … ’
2 But some of Buckmaster 's requests for data I suspect emanate from Morgan … ’
3 When I talk about positions and opportunities for pictures I do n't suggest that you can plan them all .
4 ‘ I dressed for sex and thought about nothing else on these trips to London and , once I was locked away with Andrew , I got up to all sorts of things I would have been too embarrassed to do with Tony .
5 All sorts of things I did n't know how to eat .
6 So , those are the sorts of things I take it that , that er we do think are a more interesting way of individuating people than their bodily .
7 The sorts of things I happen to like , the sorts of things I happen to be good at or bad at .
8 The sorts of things I happen to like , the sorts of things I happen to be good at or bad at .
9 It helped me do all sorts of things I would n't have done otherwise . ’
10 I think that the computer presents exactly that challenge and amongst the sorts of things I 'm thinking of is that erm it 's one thing to play with a computer toy , a game of some sort — we 've all seen them in the bar and elsewhere — it 's another thing entirely to devise your own game , to program your own rules in and then to bring your friend along and have them challenge it .
11 Well I mean the erm , I had some bins and all stuff , buy some bins and stuff for the office , she 's ordered all sorts of things I , I had , I , I
12 I think it 's sort of employer education sort of guidance and more sort of organizational skills , it 's those sorts of groupings I think .
13 I think those are the sorts of differences I observe and they 're not to do with whether I 'm a protestant or a Catholic , but what kind of human being I am almost .
14 No , no I think it 's just that er , then your sorts of signs I think to indicate that , that was a no ball because it was , I 'm sure an unintentional er beamer and er , they still did well really to get a bit of back on here so .
15 Yeah so , so perhaps the things that , the things that erm seem to us more important than your bodily configuration , whether I have blue eyes or brown eyes , something that 's more important seems to be the sorts of desires I have .
16 There are several sorts of truth I could tell about this decade of work .
17 We need to understand how and why male fantasies may commonly differ from female ones , and why the sorts of fantasies I have mentioned , which may in some ways seem antithetical to feminism , may still have a strong appeal to women who have a feminist allegiance .
18 So I can produce the sorts of designs I 've always wanted to produce ! ’
19 On the outskirts of Plzeň I see that bizarre mixture of heavy industrial plant and allotments which is so characteristic of almost every major East European city .
20 I could say that in spite of ties of affection I have been lonely all my life .
21 I mean they used to provide the advisor to various secretaries of state I think did n't they ?
22 I have found no contrary feelings among any of the heads of government I have met . ’
23 The head thought that many reports were highly descriptive and rather thin on evaluative comment and most of the heads of department I interviewed accepted that there was a tendency for reports to be largely or entirely descriptive :
24 Panel ( A ) : Nuclei treated with different concentrations of DNase I were digested with Kpn I , the blot probed with 5' Ea Sac I/Sal I ( Sc/S ) ( see Panel ( d ) filled box for exact location ) .
25 Panel ( B ) : Nuclei treated with different concentrations of DNase I were digested with Eco RI and the blot probed with Ea 695 ( P/K ) .
26 Since I mention native speakers ' feelings in this connection , and since I am elsewhere rather sceptical about appeals to native speakers ' feelings , I had better explain that in this case my evidence comes from the native speakers of English I have taught in practical classes on transcription over many years .
27 After a 20 minute incubation at 22°C , MgCl 2 ( to 10mM ) , CaCl 2 ( to 2mM ) and 0.0625 units of DNase I were added , mixed and incubated for a further 60 seconds , after which time 20µg of proteinase K in 100µl of a buffer containing 1% SDS , 100µg/ml tRNA , 200mM NaCl , 20mM EDTA was added and the reaction incubated at 50°C for a further 20 mins .
28 Subsequently , 5 units of Dra I were added and the samples incubated for 10 min at 37°C .
29 ‘ There are very few aspects of Englishness I actually hate .
30 For some time I had wanted to move further from London with its many social distractions , and now with the half million words of notes I had brought back with me from my world tour waiting to be distilled into a book , I felt the need more than ever .
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