Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 They have only to look south of the border at some of the experiences of their former workmates within public sector bus operations to see what the alternative propositions might be .
2 I think we 'll look at the news in a few minutes to see what the weather 's going to be and then , do you want any ice cream or anything ?
3 Politically , therefore , the inducements to continue what the Plowden Committee call ‘ excessive social services ’ are much stronger than the inducements to discontinue them or to supplement any which may happen to be ‘ inadequate ’ .
4 Both volumes of the Dictionary passed the censorship ( in 1845 and 1846 respectively ) , but Volume Two was proscribed a month after publication when the authorities grasped what the circle was up to .
5 4 Setting baselines ( 10 minutes to establish what the parents are to do )
6 As the aim of many of the BES assured tenancy companies is eventually to obtain value by selling or redeveloping the properties when they are vacant , it would be useful for shareholders to know what the market value is with vacant possession , even if the present value with tenants in possession is also shown as a note .
7 An interesting insight into the kind of restructuring which had occurred in memory when subjects discovered what the theme of the passage was in Thorndyke 's experiment comes from recall in the narrative after-theme condition .
8 In contrast , the gigantic photographic images depicting what the curator Jeffrey Deitch has called our Strange Developments act to bludgeon what is assumed to be our jaded sensibilities , but more obviously demonstrate the burn out of a certain faction of the mid Atlantic artworld , curators and buyers .
9 They 're asked to make two still images showing what the townspeople might be feeling at this moment — first , about their success in getting the railway to the town , and secondly , about what they have done to the old man , who is now homeless .
10 After new talks succeeded , Ball said : ‘ Sometimes agents ’ demands exceed what the players want but , because they are in their stable , they have to take advice from these gentlemen .
11 One energetic character asked if we minded waiting while he climbed another two hundred feet to see what the view over a nearby rise was like .
12 Right so the functional form test , if we look at the kie squared version , right , again we 've got a very small er test statistic implying there 's no breach of functional form right , the , the log er specification , right , seems to be working okay , there 's no problems with it erm if we now look at normality we 've got a bit of a problem with normality , right in that our test statistic is now four point nine , if we look at the critical value at the five percent level of kie when kie squared two , ah it 's not too bad , our five percent critical value of the kie squared two is five point nine nine , so although that test statistic is reasonably high , I mean you 'd probably reject , oh yes , we can reject the null at ten percent of normally distributed errors we would n't reject the null at five percent erm let's just have a look at in actual fact at those errors to see what the problem is .
13 What Labour Members say makes it sound as though they do not want parents to know what the schools that their children are attending are like .
14 He is perfectly right that in recent years we have been eating into that principle , but if we continue to do so , the principle will go , and that is the civil liberties issue which the system of justice has always been anxious to maintain .
15 In effect the proposal for future review which emerged from the 1983–84 visits anticipated what the Polytechnic achieved through accreditation by the Council from 1 April 1988 .
16 What matters most are the attitudes of teachers to parents and parents to teachers — whether there is genuine mutual respect , whether the parents understand what the schools are doing for individual children and ( whether ) teachers realise how dependent they are upon parental support .
17 These people now face annual medical inspection for the rest of their lives to assess what the radiation may have bequeathed to them in terms of a legacy of cancer or birth defects .
18 The activity of state officials constitutes what the elite has chosen as its solution .
19 After much research , suppliers were able to produce viable alternatives to lead which the Society helped to promote , with informative booklets produced jointly with anglers ' organisations .
20 It is much more satisfactory to say that these statements show what the speaker believes or feels , if he is speaking sincerely and correctly .
21 ‘ It is partly the recession , and partly that extra costs affected what the company could afford in-house .
22 We might then be able to work back from lifestyle and abilities to predict what the brain of a particular species should be like ( Legg 1983 ) .
23 Eurotunnel should now produce calculations showing what the effect would be if the Safety Authority were to insist on segregation .
24 There was widespread international sympathy for the mujaheddin as opponents of Soviet invasion : but this obscured the internal , civil war , origins of the conflict and led too few observers to ask what the programme of the tribal insurgents was , not least with regard to women .
25 The police were reported on July 17 to have arrested a total of 31 people in the capital Port-au-Prince and in the town of Gonaives and to have seized a warehouse full of " homemade " weapons following what the government described as a " conspiracy against the internal security of the state " by former members of the Tontons Macoutes .
26 What we hope to be able to do is to complete the requirement the staff target this year and set in train some industrial studies to see what the various options are and then once we enter the production investment phase then that would be the time that we would er look to doing the development work .
27 A couple of airmen had come out of the trenches to see what the shooting was about .
28 erm I then asked er additional questions to see what the up to the minute information was at that time .
29 ‘ We have institutional processes inhibiting the opportunities for farmers to provide what the consumer wants , ’ says the professor .
30 So , instead of a straightforward chemical manufactured by everybody else we can now offer a range of different properties to meet what the market wants . ’
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