Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
2 In such a context the interests of the State must in my judgment mean the interests of the State according to the policies laid down for it by its recognised organs of government and authority , the policies of the State as they are , not as they ought , in the opinion of a jury , to be .
3 Sometimes it is hard to love a rebellious and rude teenager , to endure the appalling racket of pop music , to cope with disobedience and flagrant disregard of rules laid down for family life .
4 The team will play to the rules laid down for the 1992 World Cup .
5 I should like to have a good bath — I have n't had one for weeks — and something to eat , before you begin to cut me up as though I were one of your business opponents laid out for you to hand them the coup de grâce . ’
6 The shipmaster was down by the mast , ready to lower the cross-spar with its square sail , and the crew were flexing their muscles and setting oars in the rowlocks to slide out for the turn up against the wind into Duart Bay .
7 Children and church helpers spent Saturday afternoon making certain there were enough traditional Mothering Sunday posies to go round for mothers of all ages .
8 It was an unsatisfactory relationship , but their meetings made up for infrequency by their intensity .
9 Tomorrow night we 're back with the display team , this time in the city of San Diego where huge and hungry crowds built up for a game of American football .
10 ‘ The times cry out for a dramatic change in our relationship to our neighbour , the Earth and , at root to God .
11 At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar .
12 In 1952 it adopted the practice of permitting deputies to stand in for the ministers : the deputies soon became permanent features , attending to all business except that deemed to be symbolically important .
14 ‘ It 's probably only one of the local kids sneaking in for a look around , ’ Jessamy tried to reassure herself .
15 Bob picked up one of the knives laid out for dinner and scored along the grain of the table with it .
16 In 1579 court-messengers were condemned in Star Chamber to have their ears lopped off for stealing £3,000 from the Crown in seven years .
17 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
18 The meaning is not explained but is left for the listeners to work out for themselves .
19 But ultimately you have to say that the music is the weak link — that it lacks the depth and the melodic assurance that the consistently interesting words cry out for .
20 His eyes clouded over for a moment , and his voice became gruff .
21 ‘ Peggy ’ James , the proprietor , a heavily built man and had a wooden leg — hence his nickname — but he was remarkably speedy to provide quick service when cars drew up for petrol from his one , hand-operated pump .
22 The cars drew up for a quiet haggle , the girls got in .
23 Two hopeful crabs line up for the start of the race .
24 I said to you you got ta get these Christmas presents wrapped up for the party .
25 And the police have alerted banks , building societies , pubs and traders to look out for the notes .
26 Jack 's last game for the Palace first team was on Easter Saturday , 3 April 1926 , when he helped Palace to a 1–1 draw at Gillingham , but 7,000 fans turned up for his Benefit match at Selhurst Park a little over a year later to show their appreciation of as fine a player as ever wore the Palace colours .
27 More than 40,000 fans turned up for the 12-hour event , Britain 's biggest-ever legal Rave gig .
28 Oldham forward Keith Atkinson , who has broken almost every bone in his body , picked up £6,000 yesterday when 1,588 fans turned up for his testimonial .
29 Wimbledon boss Joe Kinnear after just 1,987 fans turned up for the Coca-Cola match against Bolton
30 He had the order books going back for years and years and he was able to show me .
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