Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 If the golden age for Byrd 's motets has only just begun to dawn , then Byrd 's songs are still in their dark ages .
2 The flat string of squares flickered slightly just sufficiently to show it was a projection , nothing real ; but although it was apparent the line of squares itself was merely an image , on its surface sat seemingly real and solid wooden chess pieces made from black and white wood , and set on that strange line like tiny isolated guard towers on a chequered frontier wall .
3 Facing him , she wasted no time , the words pouring forth just as he drew a reluctant breath before speech .
4 Her eyes flew open just as his lips found the delicate curve of her neck .
5 Then he frowned , as if her words had only just reached him .
6 Streets and squares had only just been marked out with pegs and twine amid the clutter .
7 Still drugged with sleep , struggling to free herself from her half-dreaming state , Isabel 's eyes snapped open just as Guy released her mouth .
8 After ten years of touring and rehearsing , the languid Scots have only just finished their third album .
9 A combined force of commandos got there just in time and blew the base to smithereens , finally blowing up the overhang on top of the smoking remains .
10 As the ubiquity of stellar coronae had only just been discovered with the Einstein Observatory , the absence of coronae for stars of this type was tantalizing , especially as they seemed to disappear rather rapidly ( on an evolutionary timescale ) .
11 His parents had only just begun to give him and his sibling the lore of their territory , telling him the names of eagles who had nested there before .
12 At the time relations between the two countries had only just been normalized [ see p. 36631 ] after almost a decade of tension .
13 However , in view of the fact that the fielding team is compelled to position two attacking fieldsmen , bowlers bowl either just short of a length hoping for a slip catch , or well up angling for a driven chance to short cover or mid-wicket .
14 I understand that these applications have only just been submitted to Midlothian District Council as the local planning authority and I have to advise you that it would not be appropriate for Regional Council officials to comment publicly at this stage .
15 Legislators have only just passed the 1993 budget , and they will not appreciate having to rearrange the billions in pork they packed into it .
16 In his sermons , broadcast over the radio , the Archbishop condemned the paramilitary groups as part of the institutionalized violence which could not be rooted out without reforms to create more just economic and social structures .
17 What he did n't realize however , was that the real questions had only just begun .
18 ‘ This we consider to be a retrograde and unnecessary step , ’ particularly since these powers had only just been vested in the NRA under the Water Act , he said .
19 The aspirations of the knightly class at its best and the sense that Christendom must go over to the offensive against Islam are nowhere more succinctly expressed than in this poem , written when the Christian reconquest of Spain was well under way , but when the crusades had only just begun , shortly before or shortly after the launching of the First Crusade .
20 The Cambridge local examinations had only just been opened to girls and her performance in mathematics placed her alone in the first class .
21 It is no coincidence that most fishkeepers choose the traditional rectangular tank , as most of the potential problems outlined above just do no present themselves .
22 ‘ This will rebound on the Government and their difficulties have only just started . ’
23 These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent .
24 Some villas had several rooms set aside just for sleeping in , and in the larger houses there might even be spare rooms for guests .
25 She had taken pains to arrive only just in time .
26 Whereas pre-marital foreplay averages thirty-two minutes , foreplay between married partners lasts only just over half as long at a rather hasty seventeen minutes .
27 Laboratory chemists have only just begun to wake up to this change .
28 The attack happened in the early hours of Sunday morning , but details have only just been released .
29 If they wished to prevent Labour forming a government , they would have to come to an arrangement with Baldwin , rather than any other Conservative ; and since the Liberals had only just fought an election opposing Baldwin 's policy of Protection , this would be a difficult course for them to take .
30 The yeomen , husbandmen and craftsmen who lived in these tenements had mostly just a single fireplace in their timber-framed houses at the time of the hearth tax return of 1672 .
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