Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 One of the other Germans emptied it and I recognized among the papers the interrogation form which the naval officer on the island had filled in .
2 The point was the Germans hated them and wanted to get rid of them .
3 Which is why a ‘ real ’ popster like Mark Knopfler would shake his head in genuine dismay at Jamie Reid 's manifesto for Transvision Vamp , why your Climie Fishers make it and your Sputniks burn up in orbit .
4 There was a lock of Caroline 's hair to be cut , and plaster casts of her face and hands to be taken : ‘ I saw the great paws of those louts touching her and covering her face with plaster .
5 Ten minutes later , she miaowed if I approached her and it took her several hours to forgive me and to stop treating me like a walking cat repellent .
6 " The splinters prick you and its hard to breathe , but the peg 's nearly through . "
7 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
8 Politically , therefore , the inducements to continue what the Plowden Committee call ‘ excessive social services ’ are much stronger than the inducements to discontinue them or to supplement any which may happen to be ‘ inadequate ’ .
9 Those operating an amplification system need to ensure that there is a proper balance between the sound of the musicians using it and those who speak on the church 's public address system , where there is one .
10 There were plans to revive it and turn it into an Ulster Loyalist pressure group when a leading member , Archibald Whitmore , an ex-member of the Ulster Volunteer Force , announced to influential people at the Bath Club that he planned to develop the BF in Ireland along the same lines as the movement in 1914 .
11 Her fingers found it and she pressed it down .
12 Pickets charged them and there was hand-to-hand fighting .
13 Laughing , she dodged his attempts to catch her and ran to the door .
14 ‘ He was yelling out in terror and must have run 50 yards before two blokes caught him and rolled him about the pavement to put the flames out . ’
15 Staff made frantic attempts to revive him but he is thought to have suffered a massive heart attack .
16 Oliver was fairly proof against Emmie 's attempts to frighten him but this ingenious touch was too much .
17 In surprise , I searched for words to thank him but was forestalled by the telephone ringing .
18 The kids hate it but what can I do ?
19 Until his knees failed him and the cartilages were removed , he was also one of the finest of all cover fielders , with electrifying speed and a pin-point throw that seemed barely credible .
20 Each time she looked up his eyes met hers and she was unable to put a good face on things .
21 For a second his eyes met hers and then he came to her quickly , his body covering her own , pressing her down into the softness of the bed , his skin against hers an almost unbearable pleasure .
22 His eyes met hers and it was a slow , thoughtful look .
23 His eyes met hers and there was a slight movement at the corners of his mouth .
24 His grey eyes met hers and she was forced to smile at the gleam of amusement she saw there .
25 Her eyes met his and she immediately dropped her gaze , colouring slightly .
26 For one moment her eyes met his and fleetingly she wondered how much he had heard .
27 ‘ I told you , two or three cars passed me but they did n't stop . ’
28 Two or three cars passed me and I tried to thumb a lift , but they did n't stop .
29 To A. M. Fairbairn , one had to visit America ‘ to discover how far we have travelled out of the darkness towards the light ’ , while to R. F. Horton , it was a land with ‘ truth open to all who have eyes to see it and those who have not eyes held in wholesome restraint from meddling with those who have ’ .
30 ‘ You know the heat is off , Ruth , ’ he told her , his eyes catching hers and holding them for a few seconds .
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