Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that she could put economic pressure on her neighbours to build up a bloc of states aligned to herself .
2 Firstly , the researchers dispute amongst themselves over the value of experiments where animals need to be used .
3 Japanese company Dit Co Ltd was showing some preliminary versions of two products developed by itself in the network field — software yet unnamed that enables a Unix machine to be used as a Macintosh back-up device over a TCP-IP network , and an FTP protocol engine which is ready for use in Macintosh applications .
4 LENTA organised parties of business people and senior ILEA personnel to see for themselves the achievements of the Boston Compact .
5 If an expensive court , barristers and pre-trial procedure do not have to be paid for , it must be the case that permitting the parties to agree between themselves is cheaper .
6 They believe that reality ‘ points beyond itself ’ in the sort of way that the pile of books points beyond itself , in that we know something must be holding it up or it would fall .
7 ITN was given access to the camps seven days ago after the leader of the Bosnian Serbs , Radovan Karadjic , challenged journalists to see for themselves that prisoners were well treated .
8 Those lips seemed to phrase words intended for himself alone , kissing these words into the soft matter of his brain : ’ Though you are cast into the ultimate heat sink , you hover indestructibly .
9 Remaining in the same position , cross your ankles and , using the strength from the legs to work against themselves , attempt to pull the legs apart .
10 Cross the ankles , then try to pull the legs apart , using the strength from the legs to work against themselves .
11 Cross the ankles , then try to pull the legs apart , using the strength from the legs to work against themselves .
12 The other side of the story evolves around the person not as the object of demands imposed from the outside , but as the creator of such demands addressed to himself .
13 ‘ These lads say to themselves ‘ I 'm not going to be pushed about , I 'm going to have my piece . ’
14 Lay officers were more dependent on the rewards of their secular offices to provide for themselves and for their families .
15 The findings of Rutter and his colleagues on the social structure of schools speak for themselves ( see above ) .
16 In so far as she possibly can , she lets this great dull store of words speak for themselves , without addition to their number .
17 It must have been a term that went without saying , a term necessary to give business efficacy to the contract , a term that , although tacit , formed part of the contract the parties made for themselves ( Trollope & Colls Ltd v North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board [ 1973 ] 2 All ER 260 ) .
18 The above two lists speak for themselves , but what is evident is that the smallest income is from membership and the biggest income is from the Sports Council .
19 Once the claims were paid , the insurers decided amongst themselves who bore the loss and in what proportion .
20 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
21 In another way , however , it can be seen as responsibly encouraging readers to challenge for themselves cultural codes and established patterns of thought , including some of those which make contemporary history so intractable .
22 The Bar Association at its annual conference on June 30 strongly urged the adoption of a multiparty system , declaring that the APC had " failed to achieve any of the goals set for itself " .
23 The remarks were supposed to be private , but they were too juicy for the journalists to keep to themselves .
24 And it all comes back to what I was saying earlier about trying to get kids to believe in themselves a little bit .
25 That is how the newpapers pay for themselves .
26 Chelsea manager Ian Porterfield was just as happy saying : ‘ It 's now seven wins in eight and I want the lads to believe in themselves .
27 In the event , it was Bishop Malduin who lost his temper , as he might not have done if Elfswitha his wife had not been sitting draped in white cloth in the corner , with her large , shallow eyes fixed on himself , even when the King was starting to speak to her .
28 That 's up to readers to decide for themselves .
29 There was sufficient reference to the factual basis of the comment — namely the mass-circulation Kemsley newspapers — to enable readers to judge for themselves whether the comment was reasonable .
30 ‘ The whole point of the incentive allowances system is for local authorities and schools to decide for themselves how many allowances to award and at what rates in the light of their particular circumstances , ’ Mr MacGregor said .
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