Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The interlinked circles of this part of London , declining and changing now as social patterns altered and moved people away , but still strong in those groups which had gone to school together , married within their peer group and worked side by side , struck him afresh .
2 The Russians cheered and joined the hussars in pursuit .
3 After the Tower Report was published in February 1987 , and the PROF notes revealed that had passed by computer between the characters , the basement became home to a band of five-o'clock-shadowed Boy Scouts delighting in their own secrecy .
4 Seas receded and new land surfaces arose and joined up with others , inviting colonization of a whole ecological community .
5 Essentially it is the ultimate perfection — a hostile critic might say ‘ emasculation ’ — of Netherland polyphony , its florid elements pruned , its dissonances disguised or mollified by preparation and other devices which so lend themselves to codification that ‘ the style of Palestrina ’ has become the ideal model for students of sixteenth-century composition .
6 Flotillas of birds sculled and flapped away from the train .
7 She was sitting bolt upright on the thick tug which lay before the fireplace in which the coals glowed and flamed .
8 It was ten minutes before the stretcher came , and then the prisoners parted and allowed this one from their number to be taken to the opened gates .
9 I listened to the birds singing and watched a curl of grey-blue smoke rising into the sky from the station 's brick chimney , and winter and the war seemed unbelievable .
10 With the support of the committee , the librarian had attempted to keep track of books specifically purchased with the project funds by asking users to mark " P " against titles consulted or borrowed .
11 At Barlinnie Jail in Scotland , prisoners rioted and took three warders hostage .
12 Hamburg , for example , has about 30–40 per cent of its road system designated as 50 km/h main streets , with all of the remaining non-industrial roads designated or planned as Tempo 30 .
13 Through benefit inquiry line and forms designed and checked out with disability and welfare rights groups , people are given the opportunity to claim benefits to which they are entitled .
14 It would be inappropriate if the COB Rules regulated that exempted business merely because the firm was a member of SFA for other activities .
15 The liquid notes rose and flowed round the chandelier , already removed from its dust bag ready for the Season .
16 Women leaning over balconies looked and tossed down flowers , younger women openly showed their approval with a strange clicking sound and Fernando walked on , oblivious of it all .
17 It was pleasant to lie and think of other Februaries and see himself abroad at dusk in the fields under a chilling rain , standing in a cart hunched up against the storm , bending and rising and bending again to toss turnips to the streaming cattle , listening to their soft thud in the mud and the straining of the horse as his hooves sucked and sank , the cattle lowing plaintively and the sharp crunch of their scooping teeth .
18 The shifting surfaces scattered and diffused the light , so that it fell down , dappling the already dappled cattle browsing under the trees like schools of fish .
19 Certainly there is plenty in the literature about using cobalt-60 sources for sterilisation and DoE researchers found that spent reactor fuel rods did the job quite effectively ..
20 Glasses in hand , the chattering groups mixed and mingled , broke and re-formed , greeted each other with glad cries as if they had n't seen each other for years , not just that afternoon .
21 Groaning again , she closed her eyes as her fingers squeezed and relaxed , and wondered why Florence was so hard to milk this morning .
22 Beneath the fabric of his borrowed shirt , her fingers trapped and twisted his skin in a burning pinch that told him she intended to deal with him later .
23 Her mouth was everywhere , biting me and sucking my mouth and kissing me , and her fingers pinched and stroked her legs coiled round my legs until every bit of me was throbbing and burning and twitching and I was only conscious of never wanting it to stop .
24 All eyes opened now to stare , and indeed the pages of the book were turning back , slowly , hesitantly , lingering erect only to slide onward , sometimes a single leaf , sometimes a stronger breath riffling several over together , almost as though fingers lifted and guided them , even fluttered them past in haste .
25 You must ensure that any loads carried or towed or secured and do check and see , do not overload your vehicle or trailer , when on a motor cycle , scooter or moped you must wear a safety helmet or designed which maybe fastened securely , you also must wear sturdy boots and gloves , tell other seen , wear something bright coloured or bright , reflect the material , open the door , brighten materials help in daylight as do and sheen .
26 Boom products rose and fell ; areas which provided the main body of such exports in our period were later to stagnate or abandon them .
27 Before this , the fortunes of the various strategies rose and fell , just as in my computer simulation of the Cheats , Suckers , and Grudgers .
28 She felt his hands , warm and caressing , moving from the back of her , and was in a land of breath-held enchantment when his moving , caressing fingers stroked and captured her full , throbbing breasts .
29 Barn owls used to breed in the hay bales but when these were shifted the birds objected and moved off to the nearby quarry .
30 Her lips parted and closed again .
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