Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] and the " in BNC.

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1 Eastman Fine Chemicals gives you access to the capabilities of 3 respected worldwide suppliers of fine chemicals — Sterling Organics , the Kodak Laboratory and Research products Division and the Eastman Chemical Company of Eastman Kodak Company .
2 At this time the Personnel Information System Department was formed within the Personnel Directorate and the evolution of a Personnel Information System began .
3 The use of limit pricing can lead to considerable differences between the settlement price of a futures contract and the underlying equilibrium price .
4 Strategy 2 involves the purchase of a futures contract and the investment of a sum of money equal to the value of the cash index purchased under strategy 1 ( i.e. P s ) at the money market rate of interest .
5 Two very important indexing journals not always used as much as they might be by social researchers are the British Humanities Index and the Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin .
6 In other schools , committees continued to meet and enthusiastic individuals and groups pursued such issues as study skills programmes and the integration of the library and learning resources units as natural consequences of project involvement .
7 The practice note 's contents have been developed in consultation with the Securities and Investments Board and the self-regulating organisations .
8 Twite ( 199Ob ) examined daily values of the Australian All Ordinaries index between 1983 and 1986 and found a significantly positive correlation between futures returns and the riskless rate of interest .
9 By January 1928 the preparatory negotiations were going on between the TUC and the Confederation of Employers Organizations and the Federation of British Industries , the two main employers ' organisations .
10 As a result Britain is weakened by skills shortages and the potential of millions of under-educated people remains untapped and unfulfilled — wasted .
11 Although the shaft of the penis is the site most often affected , the glans penis and the coronal sulcus are sometimes infected and , rarely , the infection may start inside the urethra .
12 Technician Engineers , the Engineering Industries Association , the British Export Houses Association and the Society of Environmental Engineers .
13 Stuart Errington was perhaps better known as Chief Executive and Chairman of Mercantile Credit ( and at different periods Chairman of the Finance Houses Association and the Equipment Leasing Association ) , but is now Chairman of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux .
14 The copy invoice should be retained by the accounts department and the original sent to the buying department or other department or individual responsible for checking the invoice ( see Chapter 5 ) .
15 What are the Government doing about the investment gap , the technology gap , the skills gap and the regional gap in the west midlands ?
16 Or are the Senior Clubs Association and the competition sub committee the only ones that matter ?
17 What it actually means erm is that er there is unlikely to be a by-pass for some time , but in effect that would be likely to be the case anyway , one because of the cost of the by-pass overall and secondly because of the erm position with regard to other aspects of the roads programme and the level of T S G that we are currently receiving er even if there was an agreed line as of today erm bearing in mind the th the other things that have happened in the roads programme , it still would be unlikely that the by-pass would be er programmed in such a way that it would allow housing or other development to take place in East Grinstead within either the structure plan period or the local plan period and hence the points that then er that the report moves on to erm come into play .
18 Farr-Jones feels it would take an organisation with the resources of an IMG to put on the calendar his pet projects — a two-yearly challenge between the Five Nations winner and the champions of the Southern Hemisphere equivalent .
19 She edits a weekly dispatch of news and features on the roles religions and the Christian churches play in the region .
20 O. bidentata is a variable species ; particularly with regard to the shapes of the dorsal and ventral arm plates , the tentacles scales and the disk armament .
21 ( H ) All differences arising out of this Agreement shall be referred to the arbitration of some person to be appointed by both parties , or , if they can not agree , to the arbitration of a person to be appointed jointly by the Chairman of the Accident Offices Association and the Chairman of Lloyds Motor Underwriters Association .
22 With the advent of affordable and easy to use video equipment in the early eighties , community access workshops burgeoned , and local authorities and education authorities were added to the Regional Arts Association and the British Film Institute as sources of funding .
23 Not so at GWAD , the organisers , Sally B Supporters Club and the pilots , did much work behind the scenes to make sure the audience got a quality airshow .
24 What , moreover , is the real relationship between the examination process in particular arts subjects and the way these arc actually taught ?
25 Indeed , organizations such as London Transport , the British Hotel and Restaurants Association and the National Health Service directly recruited workers in the Caribbean , although most black immigration to Britain during this period was not planned and regulated in this manner .
26 The traders ' views were set out in a letter to Darlington Council from the Clark 's Yard Traders Association and the planning brief was approved .
27 Starting from a disequilibrium perspective , the accumulation of capital depends on the specification of ex ante investment and savings functions and the mechanism by which they are brought into equilibrium ( this being the kernel of the instability problem posed by the Harrod model ) .
28 The deployment of current resources within a coherent , unified service , the adaptation of the use to which off-site units are put , the mobilization of resources from within the special schools sector and the imaginative employment of in-service training each provide some opportunity for developments in the very immediate future .
29 Interest and bonuses on National Savings Certificates and the SAYE scheme .
30 Committees and forums were set up inside the local authority , the local Trades Council and the local Labour Party , and together they formulated the idea of a new Employment Department to co-ordinate all the council 's efforts to tackle the economic crisis in the city .
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