Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] where the " in BNC.

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1 A posse of huge anti-fascists from Ruskin , the workers ' college , disguised themselves as undergraduates and infiltrated the Examination Schools building where the event is traditionally held .
2 On April 1st 1988 Llanthony Warehouse opened as the National Waterways Museum where the fascinating story of the inland waterways is told as never before …
3 For , as Witkin noted in The Intelligence of Feeling , ( 1974 ) , the type of engagement in those areas of arts education where the emphasis is placed more clearly on the productive realm , such as visual art education , frequently leads the teachers to :
4 But now to the future and the Five Nations Championship where the Irish are quietly confident that , with a virtually unchanged squad , they could well be highly successful .
5 Mr Krenz , sitting dejected among the delegates in the penultimate row of the sports hall where the congress was held , stepped down as party leader a week ago .
6 Mr Krenz , sitting dejected among the delegates in the penultimate row of the sports hall where the congress was held , stepped down as party leader a week ago .
7 Why not come along to Saughton Sports Centre where the ladies running club meets every Tuesday from 7–8 pm .
8 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
9 A ; Oh for heavens sake where the heck is this bus honestly it 's about as rare as seeing a three legged duck walking along the High Street with a shopping trolley .
10 It works along the same lines as an algae magnet where the two magnets attract each other through the aquarium glass .
11 He went to Eastern Infants School where the playing field was a concrete yard and you trained for football by being slammed against a brick wall .
12 The siting of the control and communications unit where the emergency signals are received and possibly monitored for secondary action i.e. isolating services etc. , is imperative , and slave mimic display panels should be considered at other and remote positions from the prime risk areas to ensure cover for the control of the emergency operations .
13 For example , a futures transaction where the contract price is payable on settlement and a written option where the underlying property or an appropriate cash difference must be paid on settlement , will be contingent liability transactions .
14 Alongside national changes went directives aimed at increasing the power of elected local authorities , especially in education and police administration where the power of central bureaucrats was too dominant .
15 There could be a need to check forensic evidence , for example , or to prevent a suspect absconding , or to travel to a far-away police station where the investigation was being conducted , and any of these could take more than a day .
16 West Midlands police have set up an incident room at the city 's Little Park Street police station where the mother is being interviewed .
17 In Ryan [ 19921 Crim.L.R. 187 , where the identifying witness was brought to and conducted around the police station where the parade took place by officers involved in the investigation , the Court of Appeal regarded what had occurred as a ‘ substantial breach ’ of the Code , and the subsequent identification of the suspect was admitted in evidence only because there was proof that nothing untoward had in fact been said to the witness by the officers in question .
18 Together they drove to the police station where the body had been taken .
19 It is difficult to see how the courts can scrupulously review the reasonableness of police discretion where the case comes up so long after the event when the wording in the Act is so very wide in the first place .
20 Usually , however , the social move is merely in the form of a transfer within well-developed sections of police society where the new experience is structured by the same ideology and beliefs which have gone before .
21 A common method is to operate a points system where the operative is awarded points related , for example , to his trade , position and length of service .
22 Beattie was taken back to the cell and shortly afterwards brought down to the main police office where the other men who had been arrested were being assembled .
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