Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 Michael Walsh had taught in the school for six years , and had been involved in meetings in the Humanities department when the idea was discussed :
2 A posse of huge anti-fascists from Ruskin , the workers ' college , disguised themselves as undergraduates and infiltrated the Examination Schools building where the event is traditionally held .
3 On April 1st 1988 Llanthony Warehouse opened as the National Waterways Museum where the fascinating story of the inland waterways is told as never before …
4 For , as Witkin noted in The Intelligence of Feeling , ( 1974 ) , the type of engagement in those areas of arts education where the emphasis is placed more clearly on the productive realm , such as visual art education , frequently leads the teachers to :
5 get the more yobbo-y fans standing than the ones sitting .
6 IT will be a great relief to Abi King at the Arts Theatre if the props she needs for a new play can be turned up by the public at large .
7 But now to the future and the Five Nations Championship where the Irish are quietly confident that , with a virtually unchanged squad , they could well be highly successful .
8 The private view of the inaugural exhibition in the new Arts Centre provided the first event of their calendar for 1992 .
9 The club will meet weekly on Mondays from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Bordon 's community arts centre until the new village hall off the A325 is built , probably in the autumn .
10 Peregrine had murmured the words seconds after the catastrophe happened .
11 Mr Hardman was renowned for his sense of humour , as his contribution to an April Fool 's Day edition of Moneybox , shows : ‘ There 's case law , so far as the setting up of a trust for a cat is concerned , or a dog , or a parrot or a monkey , but you do n't have to have specific legislation in the Taxes Act because the normal rules follow .
12 Such a clause does not require registration under the Companies Act because the buyer is not creating a charge over his ( the buyer 's ) assets .
13 Everyone froze into stillness like people playing the statues game when the music stops .
14 The Tropical Plants experts as the team was to be called were all seen tending the plants throughout the shopping centre .
15 We then consider the more usual problem facing us : how to test the rational expectations hypothesis when the expected variable is not directly observed or measured .
16 Erm and and and we could take it back to the hundred days episode when the great powers have all er decided to er er to prevent Napoleon from making a comeback in France .
17 President : Hojatolislam Hashemi Ali Akber Rafsanjani , representing ascendant moderate factions within the Majlis , was elected President in July 1989 [ see pp. 36832-33 ] , following the death in June 1989 of Ayatollah Ruhollah ( Khomeini , wali faqih since the 1979 overthrow of the monarchy , and the election of Khamenei , then President , as his successor [ see pp. 36724-25 ] .
18 Mr Krenz , sitting dejected among the delegates in the penultimate row of the sports hall where the congress was held , stepped down as party leader a week ago .
19 Mr Krenz , sitting dejected among the delegates in the penultimate row of the sports hall where the congress was held , stepped down as party leader a week ago .
20 The very first week we ever tried it ( just after the sports hall had been built ) , the instruction was to go straight to the sports hall when the bell rang for the start of school .
21 The demand followed demonstrations at Narva protesting against Estonia 's refusal to grant free economic status to the area , and the reimposition of customs posts after the Narva town soviet had abolished them .
22 The addressing system remains the same , but the statistical profile of location contents changes as the centuries go by .
23 Why should teachers have to submit to an incomes policy when the bosses made a 22.7 per cent .
24 A steel rule keeps the templates flat as the inside shape is checked ( above )
25 This is illustrated by the response of the CSEU to the 1980 action of a GMWU official who blacked the BIAKH at the request of the International Transport Workers Federation when the ship came into Jar row Mercantile Dock .
26 Why not come along to Saughton Sports Centre where the ladies running club meets every Tuesday from 7–8 pm .
27 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
28 He was convicted and fined £40 plus £65 costs , with 28 days imprisonment if the money was not produced forthwith .
29 10.7 The most exhilarating race came in the 15 years class as the Robinson twins of Coleraine battled out a nailbiting finish with Louise just pipping Emma by 0.05 seconds .
30 The only site so far fully examined , at Mera ( Ecuador ) , seems to show that there was a minimum temperature depression of 4°C between 35 000 and 26 000 years BP when the forest was replaced by a moist forest with Andean elements , implying forest descent of at least 700 m , the pollen spectrum there being unlike any in modern Amazonia ; there are , for example , high percentages of alder ( Alnus , Betulaceae ) pollen .
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