Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 In many cases schools manifestly do not meet these criteria .
2 Yes , he says , there is a case for providing grants to develop purely experimental film and the Arts Council already does .
3 In this book also are the best illustrations Laboureur ever did for Boulestin , one being of the archetype of the French small-town restaurant , the wide , shuttered window , the tree in a tub on the pavement , the facade which has not changed and which still promises decent and genuine country cooking at modest prices .
4 In the case that telecommunications deregulation really does get forced through by Brussels , the source said , ‘ Nynex would want to become ‘ a carriers ’ carrier ’ ’ .
5 If any readers want to share their interest in these models hen please do write as once again this is a little-known subject ; perhaps these models are just too big for the average collector to handle ?
6 In recent times Nicklaus probably did more than any player in sustaining the aura of Augusta .
7 There were several places kids obviously did get through ; Maxim widened one by yanking loose another plank and ducked in .
8 By the way the sports editor really did ‘ hold the back page ’ for me yesterday .
9 Added to the difficulty of implementing blanket controls are the following factors : few ports of entry have any animal holding facilities , making it impossible for animals to be kept back ; customs staff often do not have the necessary background to identify an endangered animal ; and containers can be difficult to examine and endangered species can be smuggled in with other animals .
10 We had two hours kip yesterday did n't we Ed ?
11 In The Possessed he becomes Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky ( hereafter Stepan ) , Peter 's father and one of the best things Dostoevsky ever did .
12 Two of the things dogs often do when anxious are to chew or lose toilet control — and so the whole situation becomes a vicious circle .
13 It was just similar and then they had the little hall then and the farmers women all did it , the big farmers but the women did it .
14 The Orc Boar Boyz option really does commit you to the attack , and things can go wrong if animosity strikes or if the supporting troops do n't perform up to par .
15 And while this may not apply in an ‘ equal opportunity ’ marriage , where the domestic jobs are shared equally between husband and wife , in a majority of households women still do the lion 's share of the cooking and cleaning .
16 Arms sales clearly do but most military expenditure does not .
17 Former police officers now doing security jobs in shops , banks and offices have begun to ask Victim Support to provide help for employees who have become victims of crime through robberies or other incidents at the workplace .
18 Professor Paul Wilkinson , of St Andrews University , said : ‘ We need a national unit which would combine the very best of police explosives experts , intelligence people and forensic scientists in one national agency , instead of all the different police forces presently doing the job . ’
19 After a few moments hesitation so did I.
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