Example sentences of "[noun pl] should have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That the plebs should have less seconds in their minutes .
2 Engagement personnel should have appropriate skills and competence to carry out properly the work for which they are responsible .
3 President Vaclav Havel had suggested on June 2 a time limit of two years on the screening process , while proposing also that the courts should have special sections to provide citizens with copies of their secret police files on request , and that applicants for high government and state jobs should be required to produce a certificate of non-collaboration .
4 In Brunnson 's view , effective ideologies should have three attributes .
5 He suggests that operators should have four or five caps so that refitting of the normal container cap can be avoided altogether .
6 Regarding central/local relations the report urged that local authorities should have greater powers to determine their own structure , organization and policy and should be put in a stronger financial position .
7 However , it is clear that two identical firms with identical operations and cash flows should have identical values , whatever accounting conventions the two firms use .
8 Where the husband is not legally represented or has disappeared , then obviously the wife 's solicitors should have complete conduct of the conveyancing and in these circumstances the wife 's solicitors may have already asked the court to give an order to this effect ( see Chapter 8 ) .
9 The White Paper on changes to the Scottish legal profession published yesterday by Malcolm Rifkind , the Secretary of State for Scotland , says that once trained , Scottish solicitors should have unrestricted rights of audience in the higher courts , with the standard of performance achieved in training as the sole test .
10 Whereas the West German government maintained that East Germans should have automatic access to the Schengen agreement area , its four partners regarded the territory covered by the agreement as extending only to the eastern boundary of the Federal Republic .
11 Maternity units should have clear , explicit guidelines on the grounds for recommending cardiotocography so that the clinical and legal responsibility does not lie with a junior obstetrician or midwife .
12 Where pedestrian volumes were heavy , walkers should have special pedestrian routes .
13 The Institute of Directors , the CBI and some chartered accountants in business are critical of the suggestion in Cadbury that non-executive directors should have much enhanced responsibilities to check and balance the power of the executive board .
14 Engineers should have regular opportunities for Continuing Professional Development ( CPD ) on the assessment and management of risk and on changes in the law .
15 The third proposal is that parents should have absolute rights to choose the school that their children should attend .
16 And the second is that there 's the , that the parents should have some kind of feel for how the child is progressing , and how the child is getting on .
17 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
18 Harness lines should have enough depth to enable the arms to be extended when hooked in .
19 For a start , novice pilots should have some experience of aerotowing in single-seaters before converting to types which are not fitted with a nose hook , and gliders intended for inexperienced pilots should always be manufactured with a nose hook for aerotowing .
20 Erm what I what I 'd like to , I mean I 've written out in rough you know , what I 'd like to send out to departments with the the the homework timetable and it 's just , you know I I 'm trying to say to the members of staff I do n't wan na interfere with the way that they organise their departments or their classrooms but I want to propose , you know that things like all seventh year classes should have one homework per subject per week .
21 The waiter at Le Coq d'Or asked Nick Thornton whether his guests should have small or large brandies .
22 All qualified participants should have equitable access to the market .
23 Moreover , were it to occur , such workers should have little difficulty in finding a similar position elsewhere .
24 4 Managers should have clear goals and objectives against which their performance can be monitored , and payment and reward structures should be geared towards the attainment of results .
25 Accountants should have some estimates of how much profitability will vary with such differences in strategy .
26 Serious Koi-keepers should have such a system installed as a matter of course , for if a fish falls sick in winter it will need to be gradually warmed up until its immune system again begins to function , and until the water temperature is high enough for medication to be effective .
27 And slower learners should have three years instead of two to do their A-levels .
28 All investors should have equal access to the rewards of participation in the securities transactions .
29 No two nodes should have all their weights the same .
30 It was far better that Britain should remain primarily responsible for the defence of the region , and that the two powers should have working understandings where necessary — provided the Americans avoided guilt by association with " colonialism " in the minds of the Arabs .
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