Example sentences of "[noun pl] give [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Of those who had previously worked , the reasons given for their current unemployed state were as follows : short-term MSC contract , or redundancy , 36 per cent ; dismissal because of lateness , etc. , due to heroin use , 23 per cent ; imprisonment , 14 per cent ; collapse of business , 9 per cent ; pregnancy , 9 per cent ; boredom with job , 9 per cent .
2 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Mustill , I would allow this appeal .
3 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Mustill , I would allow this appeal .
4 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , I would dismiss this appeal .
5 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , I would dismiss this appeal .
6 I agree with it and , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , I , too , would allow the appeal .
7 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , I , too , would allow the appeal and dismiss the plaintiffs ' action .
8 I agree with it and , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , I , too , would allow the appeal and restore the order of Mervyn Davies J.
9 My Lords , for the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , I agree that this appeal should be allowed , and I hope that some action might follow from the observations made by my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , with which I agree .
10 But , for all the reasons given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , with whose speech I entirely agree , I am not placed in that invidious situation .
11 For the historian , then , the problem becomes one of discovering the contours of Victorian sexual mores without surrendering to facile generalisations , for despite a plethora of studies we are still woefully ignorant of general trends in the development of sexual attitudes , of their effects on individual lives , and of the particular meanings given to their activities by the sexual subjects in all their variety — by class , by gender , by generation and by region .
12 This particular accolade results from opinions given by our own buyers and coming as it does after four years of recession speaks volumes for our commitment to quality and customer care .
13 In contrast to the parties given in his honour , from which Eliot would contrive to slip away after a token attendance , these functions , never too large , were the kind he most enjoyed .
14 ‘ I CAME into politics to help ensure that the freedom of opportunities given to my generation would be extended more widely .
15 Another field in which he became actively involved was wireless , his interest being aroused by a lecture on Hertzian waves given by his friend ( Sir ) Oliver Lodge [ q.v. ] in 1894 .
16 Much of this information is offered in the form that the authors give to their clients in written handouts .
17 I always enjoy the two preview parties that Mr John Partridge and the directors of Partridge Fine Arts give at their fine New Bond Street showroom , before both their summer and winter exhibitions .
18 ( Palmer 1986 , Radway 1984 ) But at the same time , such research raises many questions ; not least , how to make sense of the accounts readers give of their activity as they read .
19 Even if we have few possessions or little wealth to give away , may we seek out opportunities to give of our time , our skills and our concern to those who need us .
20 You can also feature the emblem on goods produced in this country , on packaging and office stationery , in advertising , and on articles given to your employees — such as neckties , lapel badges , brooches , cuff links and tie-tacks .
21 Parents give to their children , and continue to give more than their children ever give them in most cases , although one situation in which this flow often is reversed is where children have migrated to a more affluent country , and expect to send money back to their parents ( see for example , Thorogood , 1987 ) .
22 Parents give to their children and their grandchildren and they continue to give .
23 But the law did not take specific account of Arabs who left their homes for fear that Israeli forces might cause them harm — the reason most Arabs give for their sudden departure .
24 He could be relied upon in all circumstances to give of his best for us , even though , in all honesty , we were seldom more than a pretty poor bunch throughout the period he was with us .
25 326 , where the debtor ( the liquidator ) was a party to the agreement between the creditors ( the directors of the company ) , Horridge J. held that ‘ by becoming a party he obtained the benefit of the consideration which each of the directors gave to his co-director by waiving his right to his fees . ’
26 They would then be exposed before the kinsmen , complete with presents such as metal dishes , tools and beads given by their captors , to demonstrate that they were still in one piece , and even being treated well .
27 This is not so much because John Hart , the Malvern College schoolmaster , and his nine colleagues would have otherwise found themselves paying a hefty tax bill on the concessionary school places given to their sons eight years ago ; nor is it so much because of the thousands of other employees who would also have faced tax bills for other concessionary benefits .
28 Should not every household in the country know that the Labour party officially wants to deny the low paid the tax reductions given by our right hon. Friend the Chancellor yesterday ?
29 The hon. Gentleman knows that it would be more than my job was worth to attempt to go back on undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend .
30 I hope that Opposition Members will accept in good faith the undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend and myself and that they will accept that we seek to find the best possible way forward to meet the important points about victimisation .
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