Example sentences of "[noun pl] could not be " in BNC.

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1 Wittgenstein argued that most words could not be defined in terms of lists of necessary and sufficient conditions for membership of the set for which they stood ( his most noted example is that of the word ’ game ’ ) .
2 The court held that these words could not be used as the words were absolutely privileged .
3 It 's a lesson that will not have escaped Lennie Lawrence but , for the moment , he and the fans could n't be happier .
4 Both are family stories , both are brilliantly and movingly written , but their families and their styles could not be more different .
5 There were no relevant standing rules governing applications for declarations and injunctions before the enactment of rule 3(7) because before then these remedies could not be applied for under Order 53 , but only in private actions .
6 As we saw in Chapter 1 , it was believed in the early 1980s that much primary classroom practice in Leeds was outdated , uninspiring or downright bad ; that heads bore much of the responsibility for this state of affairs ; and , therefore , that the same heads could not be expected to put matters right .
7 Mr Stockdale had taken control of Eagle Trust in the wake of the resignation and subsequent departure from the country of John Ferriday , and had discovered that £13.7m of funds could not be accounted for .
8 Hall replied to Cowley on 4th November that the premiums could not be altered , but designs from architects not residing in Britain could be submitted up to 4th April , 1857 .
9 Other organizations could not be absorbed but could still be brought within the Central Office orbit .
10 Many quite fluent Dyirbal speakers simply represented a dead end in that their intuitions could not be accessed .
11 The Franks of the late fourth and early fifth centuries could not be squared with those led by the Merovingians in the late fifth and sixth .
12 Nevertheless , such national-local contradictions could not be sustained for long .
13 The scenes of destitution which the journalists could not be prevented from glimpsing-it is impossible to put someone in a hermetic bubble all the time , even for ten days — had not apparently impaired their appetites .
14 The techniques of applied econometrics could not be deployed upon a hypothesis in which most of the relevant variables could not be directly measured and in which the focus of attention was continually shifting sometimes leapfrogging was the problem , sometimes real wage resistance , sometimes a Marxian class struggle for shares in the national income , but at most times some miscellany of all three problems was present contemporaneously .
15 Leese 's ludicrous argument appeared even more bizarre , given his inflexible belief that acquired characteristics could not be inherited and that genetic endowment and not environment , culture or education determined behaviour ; when applied to mankind these ideas led him to criticize Spengler and other nationalists for seeing culture rather than race as determining human action .
16 Hence inherited characteristics could not be modified by environmental factors .
17 Even so , though Hendrix has more or less possessed Randy for the past fifteen years , Hansen 's original guitar influences could n't be further removed from the blues-based , howling feedback style that was to become his shared trademark .
18 And the two lifestyles could n't be more different .
19 Gradually , however , governments came to feel that second-best considerations could not be ignored .
20 Two peptide sequences could not be accounted for from the cDNA sequence .
21 This was to ensure that the sequences could not be rejected as sentences merely by reading the first words .
22 The contrast with Mary Queen of Scots could not be more stark .
23 In case no 3 , microcarcinoids were discovered by chance on gastrectomy specimens , thus electron microscopy was not performed and cellular type(s) could not be determined .
24 In order to avoid this obviously ridiculous result , the German scientist Max Planck suggested in 1900 that light , X rays , and other waves could not be emitted at an arbitrary rate , but only in certain packets that he called quanta .
25 This reaction attributed evolution to pure chance and held the opinion that complex animals could not be considered better adapted to their environments than more lowly forms : all represented degrees of specialization .
26 Farm animals could not be led to the school , and their illnesses were often too rapid in course to permit of their transport .
27 Before a distinguished audience Dr Robert Koch , the eminent Berlin bacteriologist , who in 1882 had described the tubercle bacillus , lecturing on the subject of the disease , stated positively that the bacillus found in infected animals could not be transferred to human beings .
28 The declaration established as a basis for negotiation that internal borders could not be changed by force , that the rights of minorities must be guaranteed , and that full account must be taken of " all legitimate concerns and aspirations " .
29 Within the institutions , however , there was a growing sense of revolution unfulfilled : the decisions taken by government did not amount to policy , and the roles nebulously defined for the polytechnics could not be carried out and development sustained without public policies underpinned by finance .
30 Some trials could not be performed due to a routine defrosting and cleanout of the growth cupboard , but even the ones which were done , were unsatisfactory .
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