Example sentences of "[noun pl] then [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If those are the current guidelines then they should be followed . ’
2 If MI5 had obeyed the 1952 Maxwell Fyfe guidelines then there would have been little cause for complaint about its activities over the past 35 years .
3 If , however , the staffing improvement can be imaginatively exploited to create links between the special school provision , other special provision and primary or secondary schools then it could create the first stages of a unified , coherent service whose institutional boundaries are eroded .
4 If you have built up some experience using the remedies then you will find the 30 an excellent potency for acute illness .
5 and cars then we 'll have a story
6 If your army contains at least one Mob of ordinary Night Goblins then it may include a single Squig Hunter Mob too .
7 If your army contains at least one Mob of ordinary Night Goblins then it may include a single Netter Mob too .
8 If any benefits are provided to the UK beneficiaries then they will be assessed on the same to the extent of the relevant income .
9 If you know something about the deeper inner workings of computers then you can make use of this fact to guess what sort of things might cause a program some difficulties .
10 If you are interested , as I am , in the symbolic representation of relationships then you must pay close attention both to contrast and to small details .
11 That used to be all stage you know not pictures then it used to be all stage .
12 ‘ If we remain in unity for three months then we will win the battle , ’ said Mr Bisztyga at a briefing before yesterday 's Central Committee plenum .
13 For example , if during the separation period you have attempted a reconciliation for five months then you must wait
14 If people want to take their pets for walks then they must buy pack animals like dogs , for which group movement is the most natural thing on earth .
15 Moreover , if Richard discussed peace on the assumption that he would be the heir to all his father 's dominions then he may well have re-activated very real differences of opinion which had lain dormant since the spring of 1185 .
16 When the market lifts then you 'd .
17 If you wish to update user roles then you must have Project Administrator privilege .
18 Oh no , her mother 's opinion had been , if Jessie did n't want to serve in the shops then she could help with the housework and learn to cook , and so save Maggie Rice 's half week 's wage of six and threepence , for Maggie was on what her mother called half-days , which started at eight and finished at one .
19 If no organic being excepting man had possessed any mental power , or if his powers had been of a wholly different nature from those of the lower animals then we should never have been able to convince ourselves that our high faculties had been gradually developed .
20 If a Pamplona Institute on CALL only attracted Navarrans then we would have failed and would have been better off doing something specifically for Catalonia or Madrid .
21 In extreme circumstances if it is not possible to take leave before leaving due to work demands then it may be possible for the employee to be paid .
22 Why on earth eighteen months ago did the district auditor issue a letter saying that unless the council did something about the situation of numbers and of finance within its elderly persons homes then it would come in and it would require the council to take action .
23 If we can not face the idea of feeding animal products to our pets then we should switch from keeping cats to keeping canaries .
24 If you add to this the growing number of health and fitness related books then you would expect us all to be getting healthier and fitter .
25 This no doubt guaranteed their trustworthiness to their new comrades and may well have persuaded them that if communism was for their brothers then it would do for them too .
26 As a result of recent changes in the copyright laws , if you can not see the application at the council 's offices then you can ask the planning department to send you a copy of the application and the drawings .
27 And then they would er they would The tramp coles then you would er put this rope up over that side , and then you 'd put one over that side , you see , and that was that would be safe for a long time .
28 If you are newcomer to spreadsheets then you may find Excel easier to deal with but if you are an experienced 123 user then the latest version from Lotus is likely to be the only choice .
29 If she 's got half an ounce of cool in her beautiful bones then she 'll get wise .
30 If you only put people in who are owner-occupiers then you will not have all the information , all the people , who are in rented accommodation .
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