Example sentences of "[noun pl] who had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She could see him as a prototype for the border entrepreneur trapped here in the decline and fall of this precarious city , the market-stallholder , the baths attendant , the potter , the vegetable grower , any one of the native opportunists who had rallied to serve and exploit this hothouse community of time-expired settlers and pay-happy leave-men .
2 It shares this reputation with countries that were once British colonies and which massacred native peoples who had lived in harmony with nature : Canada , the US , Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand .
3 Once in the car on their way to the reception , Ace , still smiling at the hundreds of fans who had turned up , spoke out of the side of his mouth .
4 Goals from Jimmy Quinn — his first for three and a half years — and Philip Gray — his first in a Northern Ireland shirt — lifted the hearts of 6,500 fans who had braved the inclement elements .
5 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
6 And people in arrears who had bought at the top of the market could n't sell as their outstanding loan was often more than the value of their property .
7 Those earlier showmen who had controlled the music-halls and vaudeville thought at first that they could incorporate film into their little empires but they were swept aside by new showmen who knew that there were vast audiences to be captured and that the old theatrical format was far too restricted .
8 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
9 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
10 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
11 Mr Hanley made his remarks at a Project Day in Belfast 's City Hall at which he presented awards to pupils from 33 primary and secondary schools who had taken part in the Belfast Action Teams ' Schools Initiative .
12 Some Romanians claim ( not unreasonably though without evidence ) that Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu were diabolists who had arranged for certain black magical and other superstitious figures to be carved in the decorations of the Casa Republicii or hidden in the overall design and visible only to other satanic initiates of the occult .
13 At this time , the Christian factions within the Caliphates ( ex-slaves and captives who had risen to high office under Al-Mansur ) requested help from the Court of Castile .
14 Rather more , including Pike , came to shake me by the hand and ask me detailed and unanswerable questions about the nature of the extraterrestrials who had landed in the Wimbledon area .
15 All that was in essence known to HQ 5 Corps was that the greater number of these people were " Cossacks " or " Russians " making up various units who had found themselves in Austria because to a greater or lesser extent they had been associated with the Germans , and had surrendered to the British in the hope that they might thus avoid falling into the hands of the Communists .
16 A report on Israeli television on June 21 interviewed members of special undercover army units who had infiltrated Palestinian groups in the occupied territories .
17 He said the Danakil had killed some Greek traders who had ventured into Bahdu the previous year .
18 It was time for News on Sunday to set off on the trail of the people and organizations who had theorized about the prospects for a popular left-wing newspaper for so long .
19 A third of its men were new recruits who had seen no fighting , almost another third had seen as little as the Colonel , while only the rest , like d'Alembord , had actually faced a French army in open battle .
20 Later we assembled in a large room with the other recruits who had arrived from Cherbourg , Amiens and Rouen .
21 In the meantime , Stirling was back in action at Kabrit , preparing to bring up B Squadron , which was formed from the new recruits who had finished a somewhat abbreviated training course .
22 Compare this rendering of Herakles carrying off the Kerkopes ( mischievous goblins who had annoyed him ) with the same scene on a metope from a building at Foce del Sele on the west coast of Italy not far from Paestum , a sanctuary of Hera .
23 The losers were the depositors who had put the money up .
24 Accordingly , thousands of Czechoslovaks who had fled the country after the 1968 clampdown and were subsequently stripped of their citizenship would be able to regain it .
25 Those who had greatest scruples were precisely those High Anglican clergy who had led the opposition to James , and especially the bishops .
26 On the other hand , Ken has been remembered and widely admired , not only by the Oxford Movement and their successors , as the noblest , most saintly and most charitable representative of the hundreds of Anglican clergy who had grown up under Puritan rule , sustained in their faith by the memory of King Charles the Martyr , ; they had come into their own at the Restoration but had later given up comfortable benefices to live in poverty , out of a scrupulous loyalty to a monarch to whose ecclesiastical ambitions they were utterly opposed .
27 Apart from the military and administrative functions of the town , which included offices for collecting taxes from native and Russian alike , there was the beginning of a perish structure established by Orthodox clergy who had accompanied or soon followed the first government forces .
28 It was the priest and doctor and not the guerrilla fighters who had emerged as the bigwigs in the country Moran had fought for .
29 Eritrean radio from Asmara broadly concurred with this version of events , and accused France of self-interested intrigue , while Ethiopian radio said that many Ethiopian Afar fighters who had refused to disarm had crossed into Djibouti " to join the rebellion " .
30 Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world to help , but the world in general looked on in anguished impotence as the rebels were extinguished .
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