Example sentences of "[noun pl] get [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Scales got up from his seat at the table in Wycliffe 's little office but Wycliffe waved him back .
2 This forecast rate of increase simply did not materialize , and once again British cities got by with incremental adjustments , while an accelerated process of decentralization helped to transfer traffic flows from the centre to a series of nodes within the city region .
3 It was 1949 before the authorities got around to this trivial matter and their solution was to slap another seven years on the original 18 .
4 Schools got on with the business of education .
5 ‘ The Venetians got up to some tricks trying to extract as much money from the organisation as possible .
6 ‘ From the way both drivers got out from their vehicles and looked ready to tear each other apart , I doubt it , ’ Ven answered , and halted at her bedroom door .
7 Many readers wrote about the good old days , before kids got out of hand or wild teenagers stole cars for ‘ joyrides ’ .
8 If the magazine ever publishes an article called , ‘ What Embalmers Get Up To In Their Spare Time ’ the following photograph would surely earn pride of place .
9 FOUR HARLEM kids get out of bed : the fat one ; the hard one ; the cute one ; the aspiring hip-hop DJ .
10 Then I am at home when the kids get in from school .
11 The quicker these kids get back to school .
12 I wanted a drink , but I did n't want to go to a pub at that time of the evening , when the rush would be on , and the serious drinkers getting down to it .
13 In the later stages of cooling however both the inside and the outside behave elastically and thus their contractions get out of step .
14 Picking up the pieces was no easy task but Connors was one of the first traders to get back on its feet , temporarily setting up shop in a portacabin .
15 Fathers who tell their boys that they will be engineers may be delighted with their success rate , at least initially ( many such sons subsequently flood into business schools to get out of engineering ) .
16 The President 's got the authority to tell these assholes to get out of here and leave it to you and me .
17 We would n't look very smart if we had simply given up and allowed some precious Galapagos species to become extinct , by letting the introduced animals get out of control . ’
18 months to get down to it with some coy types .
19 It took me four to five months to get back to the weight I was before I was pregnant .
20 It 'll take 9 months to get back to normal .
21 take me twelve months to get back on me blooming feet .
22 It 's even worse You have to climb up steps to get out of that station .
23 break her legs to get out of them !
24 The overlap with the districts needs to be eradicated , it 's a black hole at the moment , every district can pass a its surplus on to another district , and indeed it would be the last district to prepare a district wide local plan that has to meet the residue of the Greater York requirement , it may maybe a good stimulus for the districts to get on with their local plans , but that 's not an planning way .
25 Having filled their buckets with bright red liquid ( thanks for the colouring ) contestants in Blind-man 's buff had to rely on shouts from supporters to get back to their corner with a few drops left in the buckets — no thanks to members of the Summer Fayre committee who kept moving the obstacles — just in case it good too easy you understand !
26 I invite er Mr and his supporters to get out of the age of Dickens and into the twentieth century .
27 Persistent attempts by fans to get out of such areas and into the opposition 's area is one of the most common reasons for their arrest or ejection from the ground .
28 When , in 1353 and 1354 , the negotiators got down to their work again , this time in Guines , near Calais , the English made demands which the French at first seemed willing to concede : Aquitaine , Maine , Anjou , Touraine , as well as other lands would be ruled by the English in full sovereignty .
29 " One of the lightermen got off at Cadogan Stairs and walked back with her and gave her to Maurice . "
30 Marsh accepted his fate honourably , as everyone expected , and the Australians got on with the job of keeping their boot on the Indian throat .
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