Example sentences of "[noun pl] there [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This patient 's verbal output consisted almost entirely of content words there were almost no function words and no grammatical structure .
2 During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries there was also the possibility of informal adoption .
3 Among tabloid readers there was also a strong awareness of their paper 's sensationalism , tendency to invade private grief and to print too many silly or trivial stories .
4 In its recommendations the report noted that while some kind of internal evaluation is part of good management practice for all organizations there was nevertheless an absence of external moderation of those evaluations .
5 This follows the visit to St Petersburg in early January of Lynda Chalker , Minister for Overseas Development , when it was made clear to hear that as well as food shortages there were also shortages of medicines and associated equipment for use in hospitals and clinics .
6 But even diaries of terror , such as have been published from the records of survivors or victims of totalitarian regimes , were rarely written simply for the author to look back on in years to come — for European Jews there was rarely much hope of any future .
7 The closest was a list of 59 , but in common with many other entries there was more than one duplication .
8 To his eyes there were now only her and her captor ; the other three had melted into the bushes .
9 Among the listeners there was already a nascent chaos that would soon grow to pandemonium .
10 Yet these same mothers found that over months there was often a gradual increase in the severity of symptoms …
11 A preference for country living is clear , and in some remoter rural districts there was even a significant growth in population .
12 In shelter , the juveniles showed two full seasons ' growth before reaching maturity and breeding at the age of 3 ( as established by Moore and Feare for British Nucella ) but in exposed sites there was only one full season 's growth and the dog-whelks bred at the age of 2 .
13 Even where the signers had deaf parents there was still a very strong influence of English on the syntax of the signing .
14 Yet in some rural areas there were even greater concentrations of poverty , visible to fewer passers-by , hidden sometimes behind outwardly more picturesque facades than the urban slums , but just as grim to experience .
15 In the late 1960s , in the arts and social studies areas there were more good intentions than successful proposals .
16 It is mentioned just once in this book in a pejorative reference to ‘ segregated workshops ’ , yet a dozen pages earlier , the authors complain that in the earlier part of the century ‘ in some areas there were virtually no sheltered workshops at all for disabled people to attend ’ .
17 Here there is not such a clear break-point in the trend , though it is perhaps important to note that until the mid-1960s there were fairly regular fluctuations up and down , but since then no downward fluctuation has ever dipped significantly below the peak of preceding cycles .
18 In the Californian geology that is so much unlike everyone else 's , there are right-angled unconformities within the Pleistocene , so the plates there were certainly still moving .
19 But for all these criticisms there was still a serious and effective attempt to involve the best minds in the country in laying a foundation for curriculum decision making and to provide an instrument to ensure that detailed curriculum plans reflected this .
20 for serious offences there was only one sentence — death by the knife .
21 Whereas for theft and fraud type offences there were almost twice as many commencing probation nationally as amongst the AEC participants , the reverse was true for violence , burglary and criminal damage type offences .
22 On the high mountains there was still snow but the valleys looked hot and dry .
23 In entertainment I 'd think the reduc cost reductions there were pretty well , er restricted to good housekeeping , but from fine china er , we managed to transfer the , the er , work in the Minton factory to the Knowle Street factory and that allowed us to close the Minton factory and quite apart from the redundancies that entailed , we saved something like two hundred and fifty thousand er , non staff related overhead .
24 The many seats there were almost full , the passengers enjoying their uninterrupted view of a million brilliant trees under blue skies and baking in the hot sunshine streaming through the glass roof .
25 By the mid-1980s there were very few people who would have pretended to understand all the ramifications of Grant Related Expenditure Assessments , rate-capping or capital controls .
26 Paige tried to pull her hand free , but in the close confines there was nowhere to go unless he let her .
27 In my parents ' expectations there was always an element of unspoken threat : you must do this , or else …
28 She reckoned that at this point , quite a few of them shed tears , but contrary to expectations there was apparently no Tiller flag hoisted or hymn sung .
29 It still overlooks a bridge and in those days there was also a causeway to take the traveller over the marshy ground beyond .
30 ‘ But in those days there was always someone in the house , and when were you ever content to sit with your feet on a footstool never moving a finger ? ’
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