Example sentences of "[noun pl] can then [be] " in BNC.

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1 The definitions and expansions of various words can then be compared with this list to check for membership .
2 The separate recordings can then be viewed after the event and decisions about how to edit taken at that point .
3 The role of environment and inherited characteristics can then be separately assessed by studying how often both twins with each type of background suffer from psychiatric disorder .
4 Any suspicious images can then be double-checked by a radiologist before any decision is taken to treat the patient .
5 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
6 All the entries can then be perused at leisure in a popular year-long exhibition in the foyer of the Ark Restaurant .
7 Mutual , realistic goals can then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the patient cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
8 Bearing in mind what the patient can and can not do for himself , the nursing interventions to achieve the set goals can then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
9 Hundreds of customers ' details can be stored on one diskette , as can whole spreadsheets , and the diskettes can then be kept safely in a secure place away from the computer .
10 Once the phonetic context has been established , detailed acoustic cues can then be used to select the correct answer from the small set of candidate words . ’
11 The component subskills can then be described as being automatised — the movements occur as the position of the pen demands them , without the writer having consciously to calculate them .
12 The classic oligopoly models can then be thought of as one-shot , non-co-operative games to which the NE concept can be applied to find a solution .
13 Their own analyses can then be used to diagnose qualitative information from articles and brokers ' reports .
14 Having discussed the above ideas for the sites in an area , various analyses can then be tried out to examine the relationships between settlements which could have interesting and important implications .
15 If required , these transactions can then be segmented into different forms of payment to facilitate identification .
16 These grammars can then be applied to the coded corpus , with the intention of identifying the premodifiers , kernel and postmodifiers of each definition .
17 Inadequacies can then be noted and remedied .
18 The sheaves can then be ‘ stooked ’ into fours , sixes , or eights , or loaded onto tripods to dry and harden .
19 It 's desirable to lodge at the District Registry an approved estate plan ( two copies ) ; searches by individual buyers can then be made by reference to the plot number alone .
20 These semantic classes can then be used to define a sublanguage semantic grammar , which constitutes a further level of semantic constraint on the text .
21 Their needs can then be addressed separately though not ignored . ’
22 Bryant believes that any benefits and drawbacks can then be weighed up more clearly before a commitment is made .
23 If the functionality has been defined as being " a solid into a void " , these primitives can then be found and their spatial relationships checked .
24 The functional association of two domains can then be interpreted through a hierarchical search extending down from the initial checking for the intersection of geometric domains , through an entity or edge condition check , into that for the relationships of the sub-surfaces contained within the spatial intersection .
25 The atoms can then be made to interact directly with the laser beam , as in the so-called collinear methods , or they can be converted to an atomic beam by heating in a small hot tantalum tube .
26 Plants can then be grown in the relative peace of the perimeter .
27 Colours can then be introduced into the bathroom with paint , wallpaper , curtains and accessories , all of which can easily be changed if you fancy a new look .
28 These metals can then be re-used .
29 So when buying it is wise to take along a plan of the room with all the essential measurements marked on it.l Material quantities can then be calculated in the shop .
30 Eggs can then be easily transferred to the mouth by finger sucking or nail biting , causing reinfection , and spread to other members of the family by direct contact or via food , towels and bedlinen etc .
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