Example sentences of "[noun pl] which will [adv] " in BNC.

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31 For motivation to be sustained there must be PERCEIVED EQUITABLE REWARDS which will then engender SATISFACTION .
32 The prosecution 's success rate does not augur well for the two trials which will really test the quality of Boesky 's information and the deal that he pulled off with government lawyers .
33 The blisters will itch and then start to dry up forming crusts or scabs which will then disappear .
34 It is intended to formulate and test models of the British economy , incorporating rational expectations as well as alternative expectations schemes in models which will also specify innovation and choice at the micro level and integrate micro-economic behaviour with macroeconomic variables .
35 Following our telephone conversation today I have considered how we might be able to help you identify the companies which will best satisfy your strategic plan for expansion into the UK .
36 Since a large fraction of the stock market is held by pension funds and insurance companies which will eventually make payments to workers , monopoly profits may indirectly pay income to some relatively poor people .
37 More topically Smith drives home the absurdity of the present British water industry installing meters in households and then setting up a huge bureaucracy to monitor them and gather payment — a move that will make water much more expensive ( and thus more attractive to the private companies which will eventually provide it ) .
38 The cartilaginous elements which will eventually become the bones of the limb are just one of its structural elements .
39 Since this is one aspect of the " ongoing negotiation " and preferences of " newcomers " to the interaction can not be assumed at the outset , the circumstances which will most favour a speedy agreement to use Creole are those where there are few participants — ideally the minimum , two — and these individuals are already well known to each other , and known to favour Creole .
40 Marianella was assassinated on 14 March 1983 , at the age of 34 , in circumstances which will never be clarified .
41 For many , the Students ' Union will be the first opportunity to participate in making decisions on matters which will significantly affect their student lives .
42 For many , the Students ' Union will be the first opportunity to participate in making decisions on matters which will significantly affect their student lives .
43 If the technology is available , can we muster the human design skills needed to put the technology to work and create the powerful and effective applications which will ultimately shape the longterm future of multimedia ?
44 Fresco is really aimed at the next generation of object applications which will actually use large numbers of objects .
45 Added to this , Clwyd has put up its own £300,000 towards waiting list initiatives , plus £400,000 for academic and consultant appointments which will also allow more operations .
46 Should you not be able to attend there will be informal discussions with Parish Councils and other groups in the following weeks which will further help the passage of information .
47 Terms have n't been finalised , but an an announcement is due in a couple of weeks which will likely see DEC bundle IXI 's X.desktop with its systems — the interface manager already runs across DEC 's entire range of platforms in any case .
48 The document clearly helped employers to identify what they hoped to achieve by running such programmes , and sowed the seeds which will eventually culminate in a nationally recognised curriculum in the future .
49 Traditionally the seven awards have always been deemed to have been of equal value , but the interesting possibilities suggested by all of these short listed designs is the building in of individuality to awards which will closely resemble each other without being formally identical .
50 It gives Boles his " She helped him in his cruel games " and the Borough its " Speak out in the name of the Lord " , one of those superb unison ejaculations which will always send shivers down the spine of anyone who hates and fears mob agreement on any subject whatever .
51 This discussion will be spread over two chapters and it should be noted here that , for clarity of presentation , it will sometimes be necessary to introduce very briefly in this chapter certain ideas which will then be discussed more fully in the next .
52 More advertisements on the television , this time about those exotic faraway places which will really make you happy and where you can lie in the sun !
53 But these will be accompanied by organizational arrangements , systems of administration and working conventions which will also help to define policy .
54 ‘ Hitherto , the Council has taken a positive view of franchising , regarding the overall benefits to both the profession and its clients as outweighing the disadvantages which will undoubtedly affect particular firms .
55 ( Labov 1981 : 30 ) Plainly , considerable ingenuity is needed to design rapid and anonymous survey questions which will reliably elicit the target feature , and the main advantages of the method are that a very clear view of the distribution of a single variant , geographically and sometimes socially , can be obtained extremely quickly .
56 In the meantime I enclose herewith a small supply of a leaflet prepared by the Finance Department which may enable you to answer questions which will inevitably arise at your surgeries .
57 These two types of process , on the one hand serial and on the other parallel processing of memory , are of course extremes , and there are many intermediate possibilities ; it becomes quite hard to design experiments which will unequivocally distinguish between them .
58 This , says Mr Eggar , will create more red tape and more regulations which will directly harm the growth and development of the small business sector .
59 Adoption of Resolution 7 will authorise the directors to make the necessary changes which will also apply to options already granted and still outstanding .
60 ‘ If you add the £4 for a referee , it is a lot of money , and there are teams which will just fold up because they can not find that kind of money .
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