Example sentences of "[noun pl] which be going " in BNC.

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1 It 's a little bit slow on the A43 this evening at Weston on the Green , it 's because of the roadworks which are going on tonight ; other than that , no serious delays to report , just between the city flow of traffic around the ring road , certainly around the Oxford City centre as well as out on to the A43 , the 423 , the 34 as usual .
2 If you are a fan of grisly goth and retarded rock then wallow in this : A dark and dull combination of styles which is going nowhere fast .
3 Dej and his colleagues did not want to remain the poor peasant cousins of the other Communist states which were going off along the high road to communism .
4 There is no doubt that these issues need to be addressed and the question should be posed ; where now are the Banks ' plans which were going to ensure a smooth change without any adverse implications for members ?
5 Their erm conditions were very basic , and I took two fluffy hot water bottles which were going to be used as incubators for the premature babies , that 's all they had , and I took out lots of needles and the surgical gloves and a special instrument for operations .
6 This enables resources to be efficiently allocated and not ‘ wasted ’ in companies which are going into decline .
7 Will the Minister use his powers to enable local authorities to provide houses for homeless people , whether through local authorities or housing associations , jobs for redundant construction workers , and new business contracts for the building companies which are going bankrupt ?
8 There are some being found , but not stable ones erm we know all the elements which are going to be stable on the planet earth as we know it .
9 I certainly do n't think with the sort of product we have at the moment that there will be any possibility of raising prices before then because I mean , you know , there just are n't any really films which are going to grab people .
10 Can we speak of progress or is it just a series of changes which are going on ?
11 Live for the present and the good things which are going to happen .
12 Now you 'll recall I said that we will we will try and isolate try and isolate throughout the afternoon those things which are going to be useful to you .
13 Well those are some of the things which are going on around the showground …
14 Your degree of anticipation is It 's one of the most important things which is going to keep us safe .
15 Erm basically we 've spent more than we 've erm taken in but that was a deliberate policy agreed on by the committee we 've already mentioned Norman 's flats erm that has been a most worthwhile expenditure and we 've got to look at that as a long-term investment because we 've got flats which are going to last for years and our expenditure which was getting on for fifteen hundred pounds will not have to be repeated .
16 Erm , the only variations which are actually going outside the Committee control are as a result of the internal market variations which are going on down .
17 Right up to the nineteenth century the winegrowers of Anjou and Touraine would refer to their best wines as " vins pour la mer " , the wines which were going to be taken down to the sea via Nantes .
18 From the very beginning policymakers must make clear the principles which are going to inform their decision making .
19 the formula assumes that at any er as as of the first of April , half the work has been done on all erm files then outstanding , we 've gone into this before , where er we think that that 's er er a correct statistical way of erm dealing with things , if therefore you cut the number of er files which are going in , then erm , er I take it if you 're cutting the number of stage two files which are being passed over , and that 's the area where you 're most fighting at er at time we hope , and it has a very , very considerable impact on workload for next year .
20 And one wanted re-estimating , the other one wanted a few more prices cos everything like marble tops which are going to cost a fortune to get done .
21 Tourism is never going to pay on a scale that covers the major repairs which are going to clobber you . ’
22 Coun Tony Chilton told the Borough 's development and environment committee yesterday : ‘ The benefits which are going to the towns seem very unfair , very biased .
23 I do not forget the other unions which were going at that present time helped us out quite a bit .
24 In support of his view , Weismann pointed out that in most animals the cells which are going to give rise to germ cells are set aside very early in development .
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