Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 The News International ban had some unusual characteristics as we have seen , but the ban and the judgment on it was a significant event in several further respects .
2 It rustled round her ears as it had done before she went into mourning .
3 Emily walked into the sitting room , let the coat fall to the floor and sat down on the couch , crossing her legs as she had in the wine bar , and watching him coolly as he stood there in the doorway .
4 Alexandra , if I had two legs as you have , if I were whole and young and healthy , do you suppose I should be content to moon through the days , dabbling at this and that , as you do ?
5 The Greens were present in over 500 wards , compared with 206 wards in 1988 , and the Liberal Democrats were able to field almost as many candidates as they had done previously .
6 Since the colonic tissue was to be analysed by x ray diffraction for another study , BrdUrd could not be used in all animals as we had not established that the label had no effect on x ray scatter , therefore similar segments of colon to those described above were taken from all 40 rats and the DNA content of the epithelium analysed by flow cytometry .
7 I felt tears come into my eyes as they had into Flora 's at dinner .
8 Not just Giles 's spite-filled revenge , but the expression in Nathan Bryce 's eyes as he had gazed down from the dais .
9 One remembered again the anger in his eyes as he had faced her across the table .
10 For a boss , in fact , he was a very human man , who had hardly tried to hide the tears behind his eyes as he had stepped into the Mercedes earlier .
11 But she knew she had seen that covetous look in his eyes as he had watched her .
12 There had been tears in her father 's eyes as he 'd handed her the satin-lined box containing the jewels and Emily , taking it , had felt a constriction in her throat for , with the gift , her father was recognizing she was now a woman .
13 Sarella recalled the smouldering look of desire in his eyes as he 'd kissed her .
14 Branson was not able to inspire the same sense of esprit de corps among the hastily assembled team of Event journalists as he had always done among the staff at Virgin , and the magazine quickly became rife with internecine dispute and conspiracy theories .
15 The objective in 1993 is to make our budget , which is achievable providing we stop scoring own goals as we have done in th Northern Area of Wimpey Asphalt and the Eastern Area of Wimpey Hobbs over the last two years .
16 Would there be cakes and ‘ Happy Birthday , Jesus ’ from the guards as there had been the previous two Christmases ?
17 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
18 It does not seem to work well with some 16 bit computers as they have quite complex keyboard electronics , and rather indirect means of reading the keys .
19 We are in exile now and we have no money , " he would tell people who came to Morocco and asked to be paid for past services to the crown , It was not quite true , but certainly no longer disposed of the sort of funds as he had done when he was in power .
20 Léonie kept her hands outside the covers as she had been taught by the nuns at her primary school .
21 Throughout the seventeenth century , and far into the eighteenth , the issue of precedence continued to arouse strong feeling and generate disputes as it had done in earlier generations .
22 When he does so , I hope that he will ensure that he legislates to ensure that Labour can not operate delaying tactics as they have in Wolverhampton .
23 How is he to measure it against ‘ Look before you leap ’ , ‘ Care for your parents ’ , and such other imperatives as he has been picking up on the way ?
24 Well it 's very sad when people have unhappy relationships as we 've had described to us .
25 For it is Jesus as he was remembered and his words as we have them which have played the part which they have in western culture .
26 He outlined his purpose to the pair of journalists in much the same words as he had used to the members of the nascent Rothschild CPRS on the lawn at No. 10 in 1971 :
27 The success of the variety multiples has meant that manufacturers have had to reappraise their sales channels as it has meant a concentration of purchasing power into fewer hands .
28 France and Germany established diplomatic relations with Bosnia-Hercegovina on Nov. 12-13 on the basis of the republic 's borders as they had existed within the former Yugoslavia .
29 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
30 Your sister , I feel sure , would never have wasted such opportunities as you had . ’
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