Example sentences of "[noun pl] or [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think it were the Irish Times or something , or the Irish Betting Times or something like that , and she was the only one who did n't draw a horse , and she thought oh well that 's it , no chance .
2 He had forgotten all about arranging for a taxi to pick him up or looking up bus times or anything like that .
3 In fact you you the classroom was always full , there were no spare seats at desks or anything like that , and if one was empty you knew something was really radically wrong .
4 ‘ Ca n't we do lions or something for a change ? ’
5 The Germans and the English have plenty in common with each other , but what have you in common with the Russians or we with the Japanese ? ’
6 The Russians or something like that .
7 try and get a list of contacts or something to , I mean Lucy 's quite happy to do it and
8 after the exams or something like that , yes
9 The path was bumpy in places , and sent her up from the saddle and down again violently , but she did n't pause to think about bruises or anything but getting to the bridge before the van .
10 He spent like four hours or something with the attorney general and with these three other staff over there … and they spent most of the time talking about all aspects of the Iran initiative and so forth , and then at the very end Meese pulled out that April memo … and said , ‘ what about this ? ’
11 He 's been in custody for two or three , three days , thirty six hours or something like that already , and not been able to see his family , and er got into all sorts of mess because of that Madam .
12 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
13 Yes I know , but surely , you know , they could just slot in a couple of like the twenty minute , fifteen minute toddler programmes or something within the day .
14 Because we had finished with the hens then you see , and they used to sell the hens for about two shillings or something like that you know .
15 Not middle-class ghettos or anything like that , but simply by age .
16 You have n't been down drains or anything like that of late ?
17 A family with the disk ranging from a sack-like bag covered with skin or thin scales to a more rigid structure covered with large plates , usually armed with spinelets , granules , or simple rods , the density of covering varying ; the characters of the oral frame falling into broad categories ; either the jaws longer than broad with many papillae or as broad as long usually with fewer papillae , rarely more than 6–7 ; the arms usually noded but sometimes only slightly so ; arm spines usually erect , often long and rugose ; the tentacle pores either large and open with small tentacle scales or none at all or small with a variety of tentacle scales .
18 Lastly in Ophioprium cervicornis , O. permixtum the pores are open with small spine-like tentacle scales or none at all .
19 And er I did n't have a lot to do with roads or anything like that or education , it was mainly welfare that was my , the , the
20 Do you need to be or have access to the railway station or to the main roads or anything like that ?
21 The thought patterns like Joanne and others the the concept of putting a little circle down and one word in it and expanding that out and being able to stand around and talk erm for three minutes or ten minutes or whatever for a significant amount of time erm that that was also a revelation to me .
22 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
23 Um generally speaking you know if you you might want to use sort of fairly y'know sort of fairly brief extracts y'know sort of five or ten minutes or something like that maybe and get people to y'know respond to it and so on .
24 Er , see when , when s , when I say worship it er , it sounds like er , er playing some rituals or something like this , but there 's no ritual in the Sikh faith it 's just remembering God .
25 Have you had any break-ins or anything like that recently ? been very quiet .
26 But you were n't allowed to come out the pit , I mean you had to wait until knocking off time you see , before you were come out , Anything like that I mean er unless you 've got broken legs or anything like that .
27 When you have some er parties or something like that .
28 They like training which they can actually apply , that has practical applications so say if you 're thinking of something like erm motivation styles or something like that , if you were gon na introduce Lounslow I du n no at the motivation there are loads of them one 's Lounslow one 's Hertzberg if you were introducing our training to a pragmatist what would be essential is you could actually show the practical application of it , if you just put forward C V and no practical application the pragmatist would say well this is all very well in theory , but how can I apply it to my job and if they ca n't they think well what 's the value of this .
29 I 've been thirty years in the business and this is the one place I have been where there are not petty jealousies or anything like that .
30 And I was only one out the family of nine that volunteered to go and none of me brothers or none of them that was all keen on the sea , they did not seem to want to go .
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