Example sentences of "[noun pl] we [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And we talked about the books we were reading .
2 We all met every evening and sat under the trees discussing films we had seen , books we were reading and radio programmes we had heard .
3 about three books we were put in
4 One 's grant disappeared into a bottomless sea of cigarettes and beer with hardly enough left over for the books we were meant to read .
5 It is true to say that the German nightfighter dictated the tactics we were forced to adopt .
6 You know those key words we were discussing earlier .
7 In other words we were mistaken in thinking that there could be two electrons " here " , or in any other state of motion for that matter .
8 She told us ( 27 January , p 221 ) that a neutron decays into a proton , an electron and a neutrino , but in the diagram accompanying her words we were shown a representation of a neutron decaying into a proton , an electron and an antineutrino .
9 So with fifty ohms we were getting a cer let's say with fifty ohms we were getting about ten amps going through .
10 So with fifty ohms we were getting a cer let's say with fifty ohms we were getting about ten amps going through .
11 So it was an uphill struggle and within three months we were doing well in shop and I left my job and since then I 'm in Walsall .
12 ‘ As mercenaries we were allowed no plunder , so most of the treasure was useless to us , but Bartholomew found a heavy purse of gold . ’
13 He was sure that if we checked enough pubs we were bound to find her .
14 She sensed the tensions we were suffering before we finally parted .
15 We wanted a name you could remember but because our new secret-fix roofing system has so many advantages we were spoilt for choice .
16 twinges take it off the hinges we was getting nowhere What shall we
17 For instance , in one of the lectures we were talking about how you know how heavy an atom is , and my colleague , Mike Pendlebury , was describing how you can actually do this by weighing a crystal and counting the number of atoms in it , erm this is certainly not the traditional way , it 's a way that 's been developed over the last few years .
18 ‘ Like , we were concerned that the bands we were supporting out here ( The Trash Can Sinatras and The Charlatans — we thought , will we fit into their audience ?
19 When we received it we thought it was great , but after chewing on them for a while , mum got a bit worried as the pieces we were chewing off looked like hard plastic .
20 It is not just the six weeks we were shut down this summer and the loss of trade since , we are worried about the future .
21 For several weeks we were denied access to our grandson .
22 Within two weeks we were encouraging our readers to lobby their MPs concerning the restrictive Night Assemblies Bill , Robert Tripp was regaling us with tales of groupies and interviews had taken on a new air of contention , seriousness and madness .
23 For three weeks we were delayed in Cape Town , with hardly a passenger boat being able to sail , although one or two boats managed to sneak away but with fear of being black/egged on arriving at the next port of call .
24 Within the space of three weeks we were to experience two of the most important ceremonies of any legionnaire 's contract : the moment when he was presented with his white képi , and the celebrations surrounding Christmas .
25 He started then with the money , because he had the giro , so I was getting into a mess again , was n't I. So for a couple of weeks we were paid separately .
26 And er then we erm we , we , we went on the wards for about two or three hours a day and we just s sort of did what we were told , took out drinks and , and that sort of thing , and mouthwashes , and after er we 'd been there for about six or eight weeks we were allowed to wash patients , if , if they could n't wash themselves .
27 For the first three days we were locked in the classrooms and never saw the light of day . ’
28 ‘ In the early days we were buying more paperback rights from other hardback publishers , because even five years ago there were more hardback publishers around that you could buy from .
29 I am fairly positive that after about three days we were ordered off the plane , handed a small brush and told to clean the toilets at Karachi airport .
30 Vivien Saunders , who founded the Women 's Tour in Britain , will tell you that it was always thus : ‘ In the early days we were advised by the PGA that ours should be a democratic organisation and that the players should have a voice .
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