Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 All calculations of this kind may of course be upset , but almost invariably because of a swing in the electorate 's judgment not of candidates but of their politics .
2 But surprisingly , most of the complaints about monitoring came not from secretaries but from their former bosses .
3 The long-established tendency for national populations to become more concentrated in large metropolitan centres and their surrounding hinterlands was found to be interrupted , if not broken : major cities were losing population not just from their older inner areas but from their whole city regions , while more remote rural areas with a history of depopulation began to record population growth for the first time for decades ( Morrison and Wheeler , 1976 ; Vining and Strauss , 1977 ; Vining and Kontuly , 1978 ; Brown and Wardwell , 1980 ; Fielding , 1982 ) .
4 Similar disclosure requirements will apply to non-EC companies but in their case these are minima only and other accounts can also be required , seemingly even those relating to the branch .
5 There are many interesting facets of this complex diagnostic process and three are worthy of re-emphasis : firstly most of his information comes not from positive signals , stimuli or cues but from their absence , secondly he is relying on a hybrid model — a mixture of rules , mental pictures and symbolism , thirdly it all happens without very much conscious guidance — one mental or physical event leads to another and each event in the chain plays its part before handing over to the next one .
6 But the constitution itself was explained as a gift from the Emperor as a reward for the loyalty of the restricted numbers that were enfranchised , and its whole ethos was rooted not in the rights of individuals but in their duties as obedient subjects .
7 These techniques often have rather arcane titles but in their simple forms , they boil down to physical restraint .
8 Perpendicular without intermission , taking steps of the same length at the same intervals , their arms hanging useless and helpless they were no better than trussed chickens but for their faces which , even in repose , suggested movement no less than a bird 's wings … .
9 Clover , Luke , Mum , Dad , Granny , Grandpa and Speedy the dog all do the same things but in their own , different ways .
10 It was one of the tragedies of the Second Empire that Napoleon III and Eugénie who were fond , perhaps over-fond , parents whose joy lay in their child , should be remembered not for their family virtues but for their public ‘ vices ’ — real or supposed .
11 As in days of yore , the competing knights were not identified by their names but by their insignia or the insignia they had adopted for the event .
12 It is important to note that the contradictions are not in the appearance of material relations but in their concrete essence .
13 We should be concerned not just about the number of teachers but about their quality .
14 For breakthroughs in religion are made by individuals who make sense of the mystery of existence not in their minds but in their hearts .
15 The words and phrases they need for meetings , negotiating , and presentations will no longer be on the tip of their tongues but at their fingertips .
16 This night , while it was not one of their magical occasions , neither had any real complaints but in their natural preoccupation they both forgot that Bobby had a dislocated knee !
17 There must be a limit to a tribunal 's jurisdiction , but that limit is determined not by the truth or falsehood of its findings but by their scope or nature .
18 The unskilled or raw immigrants from the countryside were proud of their strength , and came from an environment where hard labour was the criterion of a person 's worth and wives were chosen not for their looks but for their work-potential .
19 In those days before Vatican II and Honest to God , there were few — ; and those scarcely noticeable — upheavals in theology or morals ; and behaviour tolerated today not merely in students but in their religious instructors ( see Some Day I 'll Find You by Harry Williams ) , would have been unthinkable then .
20 The health of individuals is affected not only by the use they make of medical services but by their working conditions , housing , diet , leisure-time activities , and so on .
21 That is being done , so many people may turn up on our doorsteps not with their tanks but with their suitcases .
22 Gone , maybe , are the famed histrionics but in their place is an assuredness which hints at a new maturity .
23 The challenge which Gandhi posed to the British , as they perceived it at the time , was not to their consciences but to their authority .
24 As pointed out in Chapter 3 the difference between ourselves and chimpanzees does not lie within the cell types but in their spatial organization .
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