Example sentences of "[noun pl] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Their interest became centred around sympathetic affiliation to the Comintern and the creation of a United Communist Party , the two main objects of Communist tactics at the time .
2 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
3 When it was heard that he had been shot in the legs at the time of his arrest , the reporters assured their readers that the general view of the British people was , ‘ A pity they did n't aim a bit higher . ’
4 My father still had full use of both his legs at the time , and had to use them to run up and down from kitchen or lounge to the bedroom and back when Agnes rang the little bells sewn into the bell-bottoms of her jeans , which lay draped over a chair by the side of the bed .
5 It may be poetic irony , but I was attending a convention in Hong Kong and working resolutely for the cigarette manufacturers at the time of my infarct .
6 Reports from human rights organizations at the time indicate systematic abuse of prisoners , especially of political prisoners .
7 ‘ It was a hysterical scene — unless you happened to be in the housing offices at the time . ’
8 Among the local cases , adult women are the majority and those living in their homes at the time of the attack particularly feature .
9 For events that appear to be crises at the time ( although not in a longer perspective ) occur even in the intervening years .
10 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
11 So I started tracing back the roots , like a lot of kids at the time .
12 To make such fraud more difficult a new electoral roll was to be compiled , new voter identification safeguards were to be produced , there was to be access to the electoral commission 's computers at the time of counting , and disputes were to be settled by an electoral court .
13 There were two old linebacked bulls and seven bull calves at the time to help fix the colour , which was not unlike that of the Longhorn , an English breed which had been widespread in eighteenth-century Ireland ( there was said to be a ‘ hornless Longhorn ’ in Cumberland in the nineteenth century ) .
14 sanctimonious self-righteous people , from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning .
15 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
16 I had a band in town with my brother , covering music by Chick Corea , John McLaughlin and Herbie Hancock ; those were our jazz fusion influences at the time , around ‘ 71 to about ‘ 74 .
17 Important theoretical influences at the time were the writings of Bernstein , Illich and Freire .
18 ‘ All the back-slapping and thanks at the time have been forgotten .
19 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
20 The same story could be read in an expanded and slightly modified form in the Historiae Philippicae by Trogus Pompeius , a Celt who retailed Massaliote traditions and nostalgias at the time of Augustus .
21 He was lost for words at the time , and had to apologise and thank the donors later in private .
22 Its Gothic settlers were already far advanced along the road of assimilating the culture and the religion of their Roman subjects at the time of their conversion to Catholicism in the 580s .
23 This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published ( 1876 ) , but produces some strange collocations for today 's literature .
24 More usually , therefore , the matching takes place retrospectively by rejection of non-matched subjects at the time of selection of S 1 and S 2 .
25 ‘ SO THE LUNATICS have taken charge of the asylum , ’ remarked Richard A. Rowland , president of Metro Pictures , on hearing of the formation of the United Artists Corporation in 1919 by D. W. Griffith , Charles Chaplin , Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks , the four biggest names in motion pictures at the time .
26 Finniston pauses for an ironical chuckle as he recollects the weight of responsibility placed upon his shoulders at the time .
27 Well I 'm off next week , Thursday we got an extra four packets at the time .
28 Other fine lots include a pair of candelabra made by Benjamin Smith in 1845 and 1846 in the form of an oak-tree and a grapevine , each with applied allegorical figures ( est. each £20–30,000 ; $34–52,000 ) and a second tureen by Paul Storr raised on sphinx and paw feet and with other decoration which reflects the influence of Egyptian designs at the time ( est. £25–35,999 ; $43–60,000 ) .
29 He had before him the example of the barons of the kingdom who had taken the opportunity to extract from Henry far-reaching legal and financial concessions at the time of his coronation .
30 They are Richard Walker 's Mk IV design of 1½lb test-curve , but they were very expensive rods at the time I bought them for they are made of cane called Palakona .
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