Example sentences of "[noun pl] must [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Roads must also have led eastwards and westwards , the latter at least with offshoots serving an extensive suburb south of the river .
2 Although these roads must always have provided access to the dockyard at the Gillingham Gate they had not carried heavy goods vehicles to any extent in the past .
3 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
4 The ‘ stuttering notes must surely have been the result of the hammers bouncing .
5 Now , as a further requirement , employers must also have a common pension age and pension schemes must ( with effect from 1990 ) offer the same benefits to their male and female members .
6 The effect of these operations must surely have been to shorten the war .
7 But what is important here is that , just as present-day language states are normally heterogeneous , so historical language states must also have been heterogeneous in similar ways ; hence , unilinear historical descriptions of single varieties ( such as ‘ standard ’ English ) can not be adequate descriptions of the history of a language .
8 Ensuring the water supply for the towns during the dry Cretan summers must always have been a problem .
9 These cases must therefore have been regarded as distinguishable , presumably on the ground that Slater 's case did not involve any refusal to perform a service unless an unlawful payment was made .
10 The proximity of the university quarter and the Ecole des Beaux Arts must also have had an effect , especially since the new lot of teachers were often not much older than their daytime pupils .
11 Mineral extraction and quarrying were the only other enterprises producing for more than immediate local demand , though practical considerations must generally have limited the distances stone could be transported .
12 Candidates must also have a good career record and present a career plan that demonstrates the relevance of the DBA .
13 Candidates must also have a good career record and present a career plan that demonstrates the relevance of the DBA .
14 In his time the Jews must often have felt their culture and civilization was in danger of being swallowed up by Roman domination .
15 Imperial Guards must already have encountered the rebel Planetary Defence Force — or the other way about .
16 Modern scholars , conscious of the large issues involved in this struggle , have generally found this intrusion of the local and material interests of the church of Canterbury at a critical moment incomprehensible , and having their eyes fixed on the historically more important matters of investiture and homage , they have supposed that Anselm 's eyes must also have been similarly directed .
17 Certain matters must however have been put in hand for on 18 August Sir William wrote requesting one of ‘ Mr Plenty 's designed lifeboats of 20 feet length ’ , and the Committee gave approval on 25 August .
18 What we learn in these areas must also have bearing on our understanding of the nucleation and growth of crystals in glass ceramics , photochromic glasses and other heterogeneous systems .
19 Mining settlements must also have existed at Dolaucothi and in the vicinity of Pentre in Flintshire , in association with the known reserves of gold and lead respectively , while a site at Carsington has recently been tentatively identified as Lutudarum , the headquarters of a mining company of that name , which operated the lead mines of the Peak District .
20 Wulfstan quickly changed his tune once Cnut was king , but in 1017 memories of the destructive wars of the previous three decades must still have been very fresh , among churchmen as well as their lay brethren .
21 Churchmen must always have been aware of family loyalties , and when these became involved in politics there may often have been a strong temptation to give active support .
22 Governments must also have sensible tax and spending policies .
23 There is still the missing ingredient of ‘ power ’ : the nature of the replicators must somehow have influenced their own likelihood of being replicated .
24 The addendum describing the enhancements is available from BCPR Services Inc in Spring , Texas at $200 , but buyers must already have version 3.12 of the EISA Specification .
25 The addendum describing the enhancements is available from BCPR Services Inc in Spring , Texas at $200 , but buyers must already have version 3.12 of the EISA Specification .
26 As Levinas puts it , ‘ the idea of truth as a grasp on things must necessarily have a non-metaphorical sense somewhere ’ .
27 We are persuaded to think that some of these qualities must also have been shared by a wider spectrum of staff .
28 The goods must actually have been stolen at the time of the offence .
29 Most of the problems must therefore have been solved in the past and the experience thus gathered can be reapplied with small variations .
30 As well as the academic and professional qualifications , accountants who aspire to the de rigueur red braces must also have personal characteristics that set them apart .
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