Example sentences of "[noun pl] on to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just as most large organizations and systems have found important uses for the computer in accounting and housekeeping operations , so also large libraries , whether public , academic or special , have tended to put their acquisitions and other operations on to computer , and considerable experiment has been going on with the applications of computerization to information retrieval .
2 People who dangle wires or ropes on to power lines to see what happens are playing with fire . ’
3 She fried the chicken in some butter , put the vegetables on to boil , remembering the salt at the last minute , and was debating how to make a cheese sauce that bore some resemblance to those she had eaten in the past , when he walked in .
4 When we were all off-duty of an evening , Rosemary and I would get ourselves done up in our civvies ( strictly forbidden ) , and with our greatcoats and hats on to fool the eagle eye of the duty NCO in the Waaf Picquet Post , totter down the drive to await the arrival of the boys in the car .
5 Coloured shells with white lips ( fig.11 ) and coloured enclaves are often found in habitats where mussels predominate , but coloured dog-whelks can be found in the total absence of the mussels-for instance , around Minehead in West Somerset ( plate 2 ) Moore 's transfers the other way round , white shells on to mussel shores , did not induce any colour change .
6 At the sideboard he crashed two covers on to silver dishes .
7 There 's some artists out there who do it because they have to get it off their chest and get their songs on to tape .
8 If your dry garden borders on to paving , many of these plants will spill over and even colonise the cracks , softening up hard lines and giving a mellow feel .
9 Or for after dinner chocolates , flavour melted chocolate with a little liqueur or flavouring essences , drop blobs on to paper and leave to set .
10 Doctor Who , especially nowadays , is the type of programme they put fairly new Designers on to test their abilities .
11 and leaving the headlights on to guide you
12 I have a suspicion that several objectors had more than the local interests at heart ; those who have enclosed part of the lane and extended their gardens on to land over which the public have a right of passage .
13 They are also very useful for marking delicate lines on to marzipan and icing , and for precise work where fingers would be too large and clumsy .
14 Carpet cleaning needs no chemicals ; handle fits on to heat shield , and steam hose clips on to this
15 Again , consistency when training is important , and it is generally better not to allow dogs on to furniture .
16 Austin , Texas-based Tivoli Systems Inc 's distributed systems management software , WizDom , already incorporates proprietary object definitions in its schema , although Kirk believes Tivoli , and other players in this market are sure to map their conventions on to HOG 's specification : he says there should be no problem achieving this .
17 The U.S. studies have drawn attention to the use of glycol ethers — solvents used to etch circuits on to silicon wafers .
18 ( viii ) Pupils should begin to learn explicitly the different stages in the writing process , ie drafting ( getting ideas on to paper or computer screen , regardless of form , organisation or expression ) ; redrafting ( shaping and structuring the raw material — either on paper or screen — to take account of purpose , audience and form ) ; rereading and revising ( making alterations that will help the reader , eg getting rid of ambiguity , vagueness , incoherence , or irrelevance ) ; proof-reading ( checking for errors , eg omitted or repeated words , mistakes in spelling or punctuation ) .
19 Reference is made in chapter 4 to the value of making good notes but , as the time of the examination approaches , it is good policy to transfer key facts and figures on to swot cards .
20 The report clearly stresses the need to focus a major part of our resources on to workplace activity Nigel highlighted the complacent attitude of the enforcing authorities .
21 She put her glasses on to peer once more at the vanished smear of mascara , and was amused to see the print of her face leap into sharp relief : a new trick , for her glasses are quite new .
22 So why have these workers been so keen to graft their ambitions on to terminology , the Latin root of which lies in patrician — plebian ; master — slave ; patron — dependant subservience ?
23 Saturday was the busiest day of the week at the Herald office , and Tracey hated having nothing to do while his colleagues got their stories on to copy paper , consulted lawyers and argued with sub-editors .
24 they 've got woo wooden poles with hooks on to hook people out cos they , you do n't , once you 're in that water you , you do n't stop you know , you ca n't decide not to go .
25 Unprintable were many of the comments when BR and Leyland collaborated on the ultimate basic DMU , slotting standard bus bodies on to coach frames , with an underbody power unit , and a flimsy cab bolted to each end .
26 Rescuers slung bodies on to pick-up trucks from gutters streaming with blood .
27 Japan logs on to reform
28 Geodesic sculptures were dropping from the ceiling and exploding around me , and my giant perspex magnifying mirrors , like contorting windows on to hell , were melting down the walls .
29 The government 's aim is evidently to shift the taxation of motorists on to petrol ; this will link the tax more closely to vehicle use , and so provide a greater incentive to economise on fuel .
30 Hey do you care about you know the other day we were talking about the erm I wanted to get one of the councillors on to talk about this but I I ca n't find the right one .
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