Example sentences of "[noun pl] find his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The assassin 's blow threw him back against the wall , hitting it so hard he brought books tumbling from the shelves , but before the assassin 's fingers found his throat he delivered a punch to the man 's belly that must have touched some tender place , because the assault ceased , and the attacker let him go , his eyes fixed for the first time on Gentle 's face .
2 When one prisoner who had been there six months found his wife was about to have a baby , he was taken by the turnkey to the room of a shabby man dressed in a torn and darned rough-weather sea jacket who had once been a surgeon on a passenger ship but was now ‘ a ghastly medical scarecrow ’ , Dr Haggage .
3 His voice sounded oddly strangled , and she opened her eyes to find his face unexpectedly close to hers .
4 Nails found his shock giving way to the shakes and the shakes to an immense compulsion to laugh .
5 On one occassion he had made a huge crossbow , hoping to throw himself to the mainland , but the elastic snapped , sending him backwards into the school and he had spent two weeks finding his way out .
6 Did Hamilton have to go to 4 dimensions to find his algebra ?
7 Cops find his house ablaze
8 He picked up a walking-stick — or something — from the hall-stand , and leapt up the stairs to find his wife and Kemp in medio coitu , both of them completely naked .
9 ‘ It looks as if he must have had a run-in with a few trees finding his way home that night .
10 Although his writings may not have had the breadth of impact of his ‘ human growth ’ contemporaries across the Atlantic , such as Carl Rogers ( 1961 ) and Abraham Maslow ( 1954 ) , it is possible that because he offered an unpretentious dramatic model , teachers found his approach more immediately accessible than Rogers ' ideology .
11 Hector reached out his hands to find his uncle .
12 Police found his body buried in a back-garden cesspit , and the widow was last seen by her next-door neighbour doing a ‘ voodoo dance in the garden with blood smeared on the doorsteps .
13 The IRA announced that they had killed him , and police found his body near Crossmaglen on Sept. 17 .
14 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
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