Example sentences of "[noun pl] they [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 In 1834 reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of Exchequer tallies in the furnaces of the House of Lords , and through the centuries they have been thoughtlessly thrown out and destroyed in the same way that , after a period , we ourselves dump old bills and receipts .
2 But other Jews … the ones who have suffered like your zeide … for centuries they have been praying ‘ To next year in Jerusalem ’ and meaning it .
3 The water-proofed red notices warn drivers they have been reported and to get taxed at once or face a possible £1,000 fine .
4 What parties they 'd been to when they were young , and Tom Reynard was holding court for his friends and their children .
5 By constantly shuffling alliances with smaller satellite parties they have been able to prevent the left from taking office .
6 But I 'd be grateful for anything — even some idea of the scale of the funds they 've been filching .
7 If their bodies had not been quite crushed to death by the labours they had been forced to perform for their Egyptian taskmasters , then surely their spirits had been .
8 They carried away the bin of meat fragments they had been carrying .
9 The point also is that some , more than others , remember the sins they have been forgiven and are therefore more consciously grateful .
10 We have organised for every eventuality and the players feel comfortable with the roles they have been given . ’
11 The Poles found that they could not impose any kind of law and order until they knew the exact borders they had been given , and as each day passed they became more and more desperate for a final decision .
12 In the western provinces they have been distributing leaflets , many carrying the warning : Pros tvoeu chi , neari tvoeu pouch — ‘ We will make the men into fertiliser , and keep the women for reproduction ’ — to deter collaboration with the government .
13 read aloud to the class or teacher and talk about the books they have been reading ;
14 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
15 For two months they have been relegated to their school 's library , forbidden to attend classes or take part in any school activity .
16 Over the past 18 months they have been arriving , hundreds at a time , crammed into cargo space and sometimes half-starved during a circuitous voyage .
17 Over the past few months they have been told that their primary and community health care is awful ; now the government tells them that accident and emergency departments will shut , along with 2000-odd hospital beds , when their immediate evidence is that it is hard to get into hospital .
18 He said : ‘ In the last three months they have been breeding and there are lots of them all over the place .
19 He said : ‘ In the last three months they have been breeding and there are lots of them all over the place .
20 He said : ‘ In the last three months they have been breeding and there are lots of them all over the place .
21 In general these movements have operated only at grass-roots level , but in some areas they have been joining up to form networks of organisations of the urban poor .
22 Mystics are certain that for brief periods they have been enabled to experience such perception and know themselves to be part of a meaningful whole — one with the way things ultimately are .
23 My my s young bones they 've been pulled down with carrying these er er all these pails of water .
24 I 've not had a chance to visit abroad yet but I think I 've got two visits booked next year to various remoter parts of the world , but I 've met some who are on leave , recuperating from the circumstances they 've been in , sometimes illness , sometimes just the sheer tension of being under fire .
25 For several decades they have been studying superbly preserved fossils from the rocks of the Burgess shale , found in the Canadian Rockies , which are among the earliest fossils of complicated organisms .
26 This has been in part because the universities have a perfectly general responsibility for disseminating among schools up-to-date advances in knowledge and theoretical changes within disciplines , but also , more specifically , through the Local Examination Boards they have been in a position to determine the syllabuses for public examinations , and so to a large extent to dictate a curriculum even for those pupils at school who may never themselves enter the door of a university .
27 We opened our Amsterdam , our new exhibition in Amsterdam in June and er , up to now audiences have flocked there many weeks they 've been thirty percent ahead of er ahead of budget .
28 Sartori had been indulgent for the weeks they 'd been together .
29 Over the past few weeks they 'd been rubbing along fairly civilly , though not without the occasional spark flying between them .
30 They had lived wild in the forests below for nearly three weeks , waiting for their chance ; and three sorry weeks they had been , saturated with spiteful April rains that had discouraged even Isambard from his usual activities .
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