Example sentences of "[noun pl] they could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In their handling characteristics they could scarcely be more different .
2 Genetic engineering has reached a point of such sophistication that there are clear benefits to be gained by releasing from the laboratory living organisms upon which have been conferred characteristics they could never have acquired through the normal processes of evolution or selective breeding .
3 Because their nasal openings were on the top of their heads they could even continue to breathe if it became necessary ( see p. 115 ) to totally submerge .
4 It , in the nineteen eighties and nineteen nineties , must be one of the best subjects they could ever conceive of going into because the whole of the future of modern civilization depends on chemistry .
5 In " fireside chats " over the radio , he spoke to people in their own homes in phrases they could easily understand .
6 In the circumstances they could hardly refuse our request for a special audit — indeed , they appeared to welcome it , saying that although they were going through a difficult time they had nothing to hide , and were confident that the bank would wish to continue its support . "
7 In their lives they could both validate , renew and thus extend its significance , for it was understood as the Incarnation of meaning , of that Word which informs the partiality of all words .
8 ‘ Surplus staff are being identified as unwanted and told that if redeployment is not possible within 28 days they could then be sacked just before Christmas . ’
9 When a Russian sub surfaced it would be paint-bombed by US helicopters : ‘ From the colours they could then track each submarine on their satellites . ’
10 Some studies stated quite explicitly that they had chosen to study young men only because they felt that as male ethnographers they could only portray the male point of view .
11 It was felt that VD was naturally confined to the unwashed , unkempt , and morally barren , and , when occasionally seen in the better class of person , resulted from some supreme temptation that had been put before them , for indulgence in whose pleasures they could hardly be blamed .
12 By calculating the PV of various alternative investment projects they could then be ranked against each other .
13 Obviously , the pitch had been prepared for the spinners , but since West Indies had prepared many of their own pitches for their speed merchants they could hardly complain .
14 They often made a round trip of twelve miles every night ; even though , bent under their loads , at times they could barely crawl , let alone walk , in the the glutinous mud .
15 Mr Tudball told a meeting of the exchange 's ship-broking members they could either remain at Lloyd 's of London or move to the old Billingsgate fish market in the meantime .
16 In previous centuries needs were recognized reluctantly , if at all , when social problems were of such proportions they could no longer be ignored .
17 So if the teacher wanted to find out about the courses they could either contact the University or their own organisations , erm the D E S or the , the Local Education Authority .
18 Except that the mattress had smelt musty , and that as they lay in bed through those long cold mornings they could just see the spire of the Congregational church through the window .
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