Example sentences of "[noun pl] that they should " in BNC.

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1 The signs are a good thing because they remind drivers that they should always keep to the speed limit .
2 School route : Durham county council has reminded school bus drivers that they should not use the narrow Roundhill Road route .
3 However the letter should be construed as a commitment by the United States to each of the parties that they should be able to rely upon , and be able to demand , compliance .
4 The Court of Appeal held that there was no ground for disturbing the award as the arbitrators and the umpire were all " experts " and it was evidently the intention of the parties that they should settle the value and not act as formal arbitrators .
5 The English were blamed , and yet Darien was one of a number of events that convinced the Lowland Scots that they should try to reach better terms with England before attempting to become independent ; in 1707 England and Scotland became united with a single government and a single Parliament , and one of the terms of the Union was that the Darien investors should be reimbursed for their losses .
6 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
7 And it was asking too much of readers that they should insulate Eliot the editor and editorialist from Eliot the poet ; so that they should read ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ without feeling that they were being nudged into the Roman Catholic or the Anglo-Catholic church —
8 to be able to convince c er our clients that they should come to us rather than somebody else .
9 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
10 A levels have been the subject of considerable criticism over the years , but there have been few serious demands that they should be replaced .
11 Very often when individuals are under stress the very activities that they should endeavour to keep in their weekly timetable get squeezed out or avoided .
12 The name Trail Quest is supposed to make it clear to cyclists that they should n't stray away from legal routes .
13 The minority , the tiny minority , succeeded in persuading the American authorities that they should not be returned .
14 Someone suggested to his parents that they should leave , but no one had time to show them out .
15 In Sicily the Pope told hearers that they should fight the Mafia .
16 He also needs to cap the new price so that it is prevented from rising further over the remaining four years of construction if he is to convince bankers that they should continue to support Eurotunnel .
17 ‘ We identify positive lines that they should follow .
18 And he commanded and requested the Christians that they should show great honour to the Moors , and respect them , and greet them when they met : and the Moors thanked the Cid greatly for the honour which the Christians did them , saying that they had never seen so good a man , nor one so honourable , nor one who had his people under such obedience .
19 The UK apparently had also been exerting pressure on Commonwealth member countries with MNR sympathies , notably Kenya , to convince the rebels that they should accept a peace package .
20 British missionaries started arriving in the early 1800s and convinced Fijians that they should wear clothes .
21 After the USSR joined the Allied cause following the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 , the United States launched a huge propaganda effort directed towards persuading Latin American governments that they should establish relations with Moscow .
22 ‘ In this country it would be very difficult to persuade workers that they should work harder for the good of the company .
23 When appropriate , it is gently suggested to the organisers that they should themselves donate an agreed percentage of their takings to my chosen charity for the year .
24 Secondly , it was in the interests of factory owners and investors that they should participate , for it was of little use to produce increasing quantities of goods if the mass of the population could not afford to buy them .
25 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
26 Camcorder microphones are contrary devices : sometimes they fail to pick up the sounds that they should , and sometimes they hear things that they should n't .
27 He goes out for about an hour on a Saturday if I , if he 's forced out I said , out oh get out please yeah they 're not the ideal things that they should be wearing , but , like because the
28 I 'm sure there are some who are you know , are in a bad way and they 're having to do other things that they should n't be doing .
29 Er , today and every day , almost , a question of the police , at the moment , there is this business going on , er , in in London , at Stoke Newington , over the fact that , the charges against the police for corruption , being involved with all sorts of things that they should n't , er , and we are living through a time , where the police is having to fight a battle for it 's own respect .
30 A senior member of the Donegal executive of the Irish Farmers Association told farmers that they should only buy diesel from a legitimate source .
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