Example sentences of "[noun pl] that made [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He joked with them like a cheerful , older brother and sang one or two shockingly rude Army songs that made them both giggle .
2 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
3 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
4 Julius stood in the doorway , and there was a bright light in his eyes that made her feel very alarmed .
5 He smiled suddenly , something in his eyes that made her instantly wary , but when she tried to remove her hand from his arm he covered her fingers with his own and held them there .
6 Blue eyes that made her heart give an alarming little lurch .
7 Under a massive front-page headline , HUNT FOR DRACULA FIEND ( Star ) , the report indicated that a 13-year-old was able to tell detectives that her attacker ‘ had short dark hair streaked with grey and deep-set eyes that made him ‘ look a bit like Dracula ’ ' .
8 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
9 He looked at her with his blue eyes that made you feel you were in the far distance and he was bringing you into focus gradually , like a ball magnetised to drop into his outstretched hand , be clasped by his fingers .
10 Blue eyes that made it hard to look away .
11 In practice , the ambiguities of class blurred the theory ; rich Kenyans had privileges that made them virtually equal to the British , and a large number of the British — including the instruments of power , the soldiers — were not accepted as equals by the Establishment .
12 With words that made them known ’
13 After that she stood in a hazy dream , listening to the words that made them husband and wife .
14 Putting a companionable arm round her shoulders that made her shiver with awareness , he urged her in the direction of the village .
15 Rebel Males by Graham McCann ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.99 ) — Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean , the subjects of this literate and readable study , pioneered a new kind of rebel as screen hero : they exuded primeval , ambiguous sexuality , and were not afraid of roles that made them look vulnerable , foolish or insecure .
16 's Thus the women who stayed at work sometimes acquired the skills that made them " fully " trained in the trade .
17 The second fact is that Labour , despite the recession and its junking of almost all the policies that made it unelectable in the '80s , has not made a significant advance .
18 Two years ago , I went on holiday to the States and witnessed scenes in clubs that made me realize women were n't as inhibited as I 'd thought .
19 Lastly she went to hang her towel and arrange her toiletries in the bathroom , only to find several thick towels of varying sizes already hanging there for her use , and an array of soaps , lotions and hygiene products that made her own cheaply bought things seem scarcely worthy of being unpacked .
20 You said , do you actually eat the products that made you allergic Paul ?
21 Marie 's parents had strong religious views that made her feel very guilty about having sex in their home when she and her husband had to live there for a while : " We did it on the bedroom floor on the wedding night because I would n't use the bed , in case it made a noise .
22 The Treatises supported such arguments , and it was his having , and being suspected by the government of having , such seditious views that made it necessary for Locke to flee to Holland in 1683 .
23 But it was n't his deeds that made him a Christian , it was his trust in Jesus Christ .
24 It was one thing for Jean-Claude to have had the experiences that made him uniquely suited to interpret Alain-Fournier 's novel ; it was quite another for those experiences to have laid the foundations for a creative , personal life .
25 She also wore extremely high-heeled shoes that made her legs seem even longer .
26 This seemed to quieten Oliver ; his screams died down into long , big sobs that made him shake all over .
27 Covering his own face with his hands , he was overtaken by silent sobs that made his shoulders shake .
28 Cos it was in with the electric bills , and I did n't want that , and that was one of the advantages that made me decide to have here , cos I knew that the heating was in with the rent .
29 ‘ If an assassin were to dare to enter my kitchen , ’ Auguste announced in tones that made it clear that no villain would have the temerity , ‘ do you not think that poison would be his chosen means , rather than an arsenal of rifles hidden in a kitchen range ? ’
30 How if she chooses this moment and this audience to make it known that she visits us only out of pure charity , that what lies in her handsome reliquary is in reality the body of the young man who committed murder to secure her for Shrewsbury , and himself died by accident , in circumstances that made it vital he should vanish ?
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