Example sentences of "[noun pl] that run [art] " in BNC.

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1 Several American companies now offer object-oriented databases — among them Symbolics ( noted for computers that run the LISP programming language ) , Ingres ( maker of a best-selling relational database ) , and start-ups including Servio Logic , Ontologic and Object Design .
2 text , picture , and it 's still smaller than the pictures that run every day in these oversize English papers .
3 It 's O K if your headmasters that run the school change I mean schools tend to change with headmasters do n't they ?
4 Unfit scrappers with a weight difference of a couple of stone can slug it out for as long as the organizers see fit and the sport can accommodate fighters who might have been barred from the more formal ring or people who want to avoid the cartels that run the official game .
5 For librarians the title smacked of the days when running a library " was undertaken by a lecturer " in his spare time " ( compare the teacher-librarian in most British secondary schools ) and they resented the possible implications that running a library was not a full-time job .
6 The rest of the melted material reaches the surface and is erupted as lava and ashes , building up the narrow chain of volcanoes that runs the whole way up the South American continent .
7 John remember the importance of winning the seven demands in the pension charter the key one was pensions equal pay , and therefore members need majority control of the trustees that run the scheme .
8 Before long , Legasov was using glasnost to think aloud about the design flaws in communism , about the dissipation of accountability and initiative in the vast bureaucracies that ran the country .
9 To get there , take one of the trains that run every hour from Zurich to St Gallen .
10 Medved also examines values within television and popular music , which are largely controlled by the same giant corporations that run the film business .
11 Roy Green , software field operations manager for the British firm , Systime , believes that India 's best bet for expansion is to go for what is called systems software : programs that run the computers themselves .
12 You may be in the habit of using some visual behaviours that run the risk of giving the other person a poor impression of you .
13 Colour : It can be recognised by the narrow blue bars that run the entire length of its body .
14 No tickets have ever been issued in the Railway 's eight-years-long official existence but Doug and the three compatriots that run the service shake a bucket at passengers for donations , and , throughout the 1980's , have raised thousands of pounds for this most worthy of causes .
15 Like many before them , the Seattle trio had used a lowly billing at the traditional August Bank Holiday beano from which to launch an assault on the cloth-ears and closed minds that run the pop establishment .
16 Fort Lauderdale , Florida-based Modular Computer Systems Inc has added three new members to its Real/Star Family 1000 Series of 88000-based real-time computer systems that run the AEG AG company 's Real/IX real-time Unix .
17 Because it 's the churches that run the schools in those days .
18 It was no ordinary train , but one made up of fifty-seven carriages and hauled by no less than six locomotives that ran the fifty miles from London to the ‘ Daphne ’ of the Metropolis , as Brighton has sometimes been called ( to quote from The London Illustrated News of 7 December 1884 ) ; the journey took four and a half hours .
19 By the time that Edward Heath had to appoint a chairman twenty years later , he chose Professor Michael ( later Lord ) Swann , Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University , on the grounds that running the BBC was rather like running a university , with a ferment of ideas , plenty of eccentricity and troublesome students .
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