Example sentences of "[noun pl] that we have " in BNC.

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1 It 's a shot in the arm for our supporters that we have signed a player associated with skill and flair . ’
2 We 're discussing this morning , and I 'll run briefly through the subjects that we have been discussing this morning for the er , new listeners .
3 All it 's saying there is , if you do find something from erm other bits of the text books that we have n't covered in lectures , bung it it .
4 What relationship is there between our beliefs about the sense experiences and the images that we have , our beliefs in ordinary material things like jugs and bottles , our belief in the theoretical objects of physics ?
5 Now , those of you who have not been able to watch a television set may not be aware of the really remarkable performances that we have seen here at Royal St. George 's on this beautiful English summer 's day .
6 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
7 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
8 I am trying , within the context of the debate , to identify how we can move forward from the 1990s to the 21st century , the problems that we as a nation will have to face , our relationship with Europe and how we can learn from the nations that we have said are the best , such as Germany , and develop a sound strategic regional policy .
9 In this case , however , the term " deconstruction " points to de Man 's unfaithful translation of Nietzsche 's argument into terms that serve his own argument : it therefore operates the same ambiguous structure of voices that we have observed in the discussions of Rousseau and Proust .
10 and it 's the main reason er that it 's been brought about so that we can look after the clients that we have er cos in the past tt erm er how did you come to get the business that you have with us ?
11 It reflects the fact that we have considerably improved the salary prospects and career prospects of teachers as a result of all the steps that we have taken in recent years .
12 There are hints of one in the story of Rahab and the spies that we have already looked at , hints of an attack mounted on the basis of inside information gathered in that dangerous night of pleasure , or of stealthy entry into the city gained by means of Rahab 's treachery .
13 This is n't always possible as we saw last year and as we have been reminded , that was not an easy decision and in fact it 's one of the reasons that we have n't put extra money into the primary schools this year .
14 Further changes were required to the to the office and to the practice generally er we wanted to maximise on the er er o on the benefits that were going to be derived and the qualities and the skills that we have already got in place er and we wanted to move towards market leadership .
15 Though Jim Lumb , his agent , describes him as ‘ a bit of an orator ’ it is not chiefly for Hague 's speaking skills that we have left the video running at home .
16 ‘ We will introduce the policies that we have undertaken to introduce , and in the course of doing that I hope we can attract a breadth of support to add to our majority and to add to the degree of consensus supporting that majority , ’ he added .
17 It endorsed British industry 's achievements under the policies that we have been pursuing for the past 12 years , urged us to continue and build upon them in future and condemned utterly the sort of policies still advocated by the Labour party , which is stuck in a mind-set of the 1960s and 1970s .
18 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his comments about the policies that we have been pursuing and economic prosperity in the Province , where we have seen advances in recent years .
19 That the long-term unemployment figures are much lower than they were bears testimony to the fact that many of our pledges and the policies that we have implemented are having a positive effect on the ground in relation to the individuals about whom Opposition Members spoke with such understandable feeling and passion .
20 However , it is not the world 's statesmen that we have to thank for even this limited achievement in arms control , but the women and men whose political activity has ensured that some action must be taken .
21 I should n't criticise it as everyone else does , because without the M25 , it would be impossible to get to all of the six clubs that we have built , strung out like pearls , ( or glass beads , my critics would tell you ) around its perimeter .
22 However , the claims of the majority of those seeking asylum here during the past few years — and of the cases that we have determined — were unfounded in United Nations convention terms .
23 In Northern Ireland ‘ The Thing ’ eventually unchained some of the other phenomena that we have been discussing here , which are inherently separate : endemic hooliganism ; the breakthrough of the use of the firearm ; and the infinite potential for blocking the formation of antibodies , for blocking the natural reaction of a society to violence , which exists in a divided community .
24 This week , in the sad aftermath of one party too many , it 's a rather tired and emotional litany of crimes and misdemeanours that we have to recount for your delectation .
25 Zero-based budgeting is a method for looking afresh at all the inbuilt excesses that we have comes to take for granted .
26 Human turpitude of a personal kind is clearly visible in the activities of the wife and the monk — a sad human ignorance , lack of mastery and even spiritual failure in the case of the merchant — a turpitude that is not rendered comic in any distinguished way by some unexpectedly creative sleight of hand in the Shipman 's Tale , nor artfully embodied in the sort of grotesque and rapid excesses that we have in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin .
27 It might also be asked whether the preferential magnification of the foveal inputs that we have just demonstrated is determined ontogenetically or whether , as in the intact somatosensory system , it could be influenced by patterns of sensory experience .
28 You will have noticed in the circulars that we have launched our first theme — Customer Service ( circular AD/93/105 ) .
29 Very few of the proposals that we have set out in the preceding sections will be successful unless Britain is prepared to work in partnership within the Community .
30 The devolution proposals that we have seen thus far would damage that union and separately damage Scotland , England and the whole of the United Kingdom .
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