Example sentences of "[noun pl] that we should " in BNC.

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1 And as someone once said , it 's not the long words that we should worry about , it 's the short ones .
2 I mean it it 's only external speakers that we should er I mean they come to the University for a day , I can set that up I mean we can do exactly the same at university .
3 Do we know the areas that we should be concentrating on ?
4 We 've a right to govern our own country , and we 've a right not to be told by other countries that we should be split into two , that we 're two different nations because they decided to split us down the middle .
5 Madam , I 'm gon na ask you to say in those circumstances that we should give him the maximum discharge .
6 I said earlier that we want to involve all aspects of the educational system , and for example we have already written to every local authority in the country , telling them about the general themes that we have identified as important , asking for their comments , for their suggestions of other matters that we should perhaps look into , and also asking for their help and involvement .
7 Well , no what I 'm , what I 'm denying is I 'm questioning your assertion on what 's been happening in the last couple of weeks that we should react to that on a pa on er er report that has n't been released , right ?
8 But this theory , which is sometimes called ‘ the moral influence ’ theory , is considered to have a number of weaknesses that we should look at .
9 All of this supports the growing insistence of many gerontologists that we should conceive of the elderly as a resource not as a burden .
10 We can judge this by the massively negative emotions aroused within us by little pin-pricks that we should be easily able to take .
11 ‘ There are a lot of things that you might expect people to do as part of a normal lifestyle and those are the things that we should invest our time in doing first , I think , before we organise any activity on their behalf .
12 As we become more successful in delivering health care in the community , we discover things that we should have been doing in the past but have not done .
13 Chairman , can I say briefly that the merger and I 'm quite pleased that we 've finally er there is a death knell to this this awful word , it 's been bandied on for far too long , it 's been perhaps the single most controversial issue that has been debated by this authority along with some other mediocre issues and no one here would not admit er to the fact that it has been opposed on such massive scale and even today we 've had a further petition of three hundred and ninety five people opposing er this this this dreadful merger decision that was hanging over the er the the two centres and I 'm pleased that er this this er amendment , this er er erm this petition was brought forward today because it does indicate the continuing support and opposition to er the the kind of things that we should be doing and and those that we should n't .
14 Are there any other pressing matters arising from these things that we should deal with in these minutes .
15 It is in such conditions that we should look for an explanation of the outcrop in the 1860s of sensational popular fiction , replete with desertion , adultery , bigamy and sudden death ; much of it was written from the woman 's point of view by women writers , such as Mary Braddon , Rhoda Broughton and Mrs Henry Wood .
16 But er they might have been assumptions that we should n't have made .
17 It is in your interest , ours and that of all our customers that we should apply responsible lending policies which include clear terms of repayment and which minimise the risk of borrowers becoming over-extended .
18 This has led to suggestions that we should consider ‘ full ’ income , which includes the imputed value of leisure income ( Becker , 1965 , and Musgrave , 1976 ) .
19 And nowhere on the advertising hoardings aimed at would-be green motorists , do we see suggestions that we should stop buying cars .
20 Would somebody please propose in accordance with standing orders that we should extend our proceedings beyond ten thirty .
21 The spirit of fairness , however , mandates that we should treat all papers equally and with candour .
22 Here we consider the economics of the project — perhaps the most important of the arguments that will be aired at the Inquiry — and the lessons that we should have learned from the world 's most serious civil reactor accident so far , that at Three Mile Island .
23 Time and again we have heard tonight — especially from the hon. Member for Withington — about shortfall and about the measures that we should take to meet it .
24 A recollection of John Davies , the minister for Europe in Heath 's cabinet , indicated the mood , ‘ We were at home in Cheshire , and I said to my wife and children that we should have a nice time , because I deeply believed then that it was the last Christmas of its kind that we would enjoy . ’ ,
25 Seven thousand injuries and many of these could be avoided if we will only take reasonable and proper precautions that we should do .
26 I append a list of the 15 drawings that we should like to borrow , and should be grateful if you would assign individual values to them so that I may arrange for them to be covered by government indemnity while in our care .
27 It is the criminal activity surrounding the supply of illegal drugs that we should really worry about .
28 On this occasion there were objections that we should have included more names .
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